newcomers, eh? names john behan, i'm cochise county sheriff. just hit town? wyatt earp. dodge city, right? well i'm the man to see. besides sheriff i'm also tax collector, captain of the fire brigade, and chairman of the non-partisan anti- chinese league. a man of many parts. got a place to stay yet? i also sit on the townlot commission. got a couple of lovely cottages coming up for rent. here, let me show you. the one next door and the one across the street are vacant too. same rent and i'll throw in a good cleaning. believe me, you won't find a better deal within town limits. so how's tombstone treating you? actually, you know, that's not a bad idea, send a signal we're growing up. see how everyone dresses? awfully toney for a mining camp. no, the die's cast, we're growing, be as big as san francisco in a few years. and just as sophisticated. that must be the theatrical troupe. there's a show tonight at schieffelin hall. that's wyatt earp. made quite a name for himself as a peace officer in kansas. yes, very. and very married. have you been out in the street? somebody's got to do something. it's not county business, it's a town matter. well i guess you can see, never a dull moment. maybe you should stay around to see what happens next. who know? you might find a future here. what d'you think of the singer? that's not what i meant. i saw that look on your face just now. what's between you and wyatt? i'm terribly afraid this looks like the end of the earp brothers. they're on their way over here. you don't have to worry about a thing. i just went down there and disarmed them. come on! all right. you're all under arrest. listen, i want to talk to you. i saw that look pass between you and wyatt at the fight. listen to me! you're mine! understand? you're my woman and i'm your man. you whore! you filthy whore! look, i don't want to take advantage of an injured man but you better- easy. i just wanted to tell you things're about to start changing around here. lots of so-called hard cases and tough-nuts swagger around this town but none of 'em's got a clue about the real play. none of 'em. you will after tonight. bet on it. are you crazy? it's front page news all over the country. it's getting out of hand, ringo. if things don't settle down soon- ringo, you don't understand- what're you doing here, billy? robbery. 2 men stuck 'em up and killed a passenger. one of 'em rode a mexican saddle, the other had a mother hubbard. billy grounds and zwing hunt. where're you going? get back here! it's too much! it's completely out of hand! governor gosper's talking about asking the president to send in the army! listen ringo, you've got to get this over with and you've got to do it now. one way or another. aren't we giving them safe conduct? well i guess ringo did it. what? oh, no. me too!