500? sly boots, must be a peach of a hand. bless you, darling darling! are you mad? you're not wearing a bustle. how lewd! ed bailey, you look like you're just ready to burst. well call me a fool but i guess i'll just have to call. cover your ears, darling. isn't that a daisy? now ed, are we cross? why ed, what an ugly thing to say! does this mean you're not my friend anymore? you know, ed, if i thought you weren't my friend i don't think i could bear it. there, now we can be friends again. but remember, ed, friendship is trust-so please don't hurt me. does it hurt? a lot? good. well, good evening then. i calculate that's the end of this town. and let's don't bother about the luggage, darling. my sweet clever magyar, so that's why you're not wearing a bustle. perfect, wyatt. simply perfect. since when is faro a business? i said poker's an honest trade. only suckers buck the tiger. the odds are all with the house. that's what i love about wyatt. he can talk himself into anything. oh sorry, johnny, i forgot all about you. you can go now. just leave the shotgun. forgive me if i don't shake hands. little ahead of yourselves, aren't you? this is just a mining camp. i can hardly wait. very cosmopolitan. sheriff, may i present a pair of fellow sophisticates, turkey creek jack johnson and texas jack vermillion? watch your ear, creek. well, an enchanted moment kate, you know the earps. very instructive you may indeed. if you get lucky. and what a maiden, pure as the driven snow, i'm sure. so tell me, wyatt. i'm curious. do you actually consider youself a married man? forsaking all others? i see. and what would you do if "she" walked in her right now? you know damn well who i mean. that dusky-hued lady satan. ignore her? i'll remember you said that. i stand corrected. wyatt. you're an oak. here's a man you should meet, mr. fabian. excellent character study for you, the real-life actual melancholy dane. well he hems, he haws, he talks out of both sides of his mouth-but all on a very high plane, just like hamlet. that's the rumor. not me. i'm in my prime. and you must be ringo. look, darling, johnny ringo. the deadliest pistoleer since wild bill, they say. what do you think, darling? should i hate him? yes, but there's just something about him. something around the eyes, i don't know, reminds me of. me. no. i'm sure of it, i hate him. in vino veritas. credat judaeus apella. in pace requiescat. evidently mr. ringo's an educated man. now i really hate him. enough? never. what? i see, well this happens to be a nocturne. you know, frederic-fucking-chopin. you will or you won't. don't look to me. i'm going to sleep. i have two guns. one for each of you. wyatt! just in time. pull up a chair. nonsense, i have not yet begun to defile myself. i won't be pawed at, thank you very much why, ike, whatever do you mean? maybe poker's not your game, ike. i know, let's have a spelling contest! well that certainly was a bust. i want my money back. come, darling, let's seek our entertainment elsewhere. nothing. not a thing. i'm right as the mail. so what does that mean? well, that sounds inviting. better. we must talk, darling. it appears we have to. redefine the nature of our association. not exactly. yes, i know. you are a good woman. then again, you may be the antichrist. what the hell's going on? i've had five people walk up to me saying the clantons and mclaurys are gunning for me. that's a hell of a thing for you to say to me. you're a daisy if you do! you call that shooting? that's just my game. on three? you call it. can't you see why he did it? and so she walked out of our lives forever. oh. all right. you know why i'm here. my hypocrisy only goes so far. say something witty. it appears he missed an excellent chance to keep his mouth shut. they saw us. here they come. don't touch me! not half as bad as i feel. wyatt earp is my friend. i don't. look! wyatt! come on! wyatt, my god! you're shot to pieces! i don't believe it. he's clean! i'm telling you, there isn't a mark on him. i'm a man without fear, wyatt. i literally don't care if i live or die. but even i can't fight human instinct. somebody suddenly starts shooting at me, i duck. but you. what on earth were you thinking about? down at the creek. walking on water. don't touch me, god damn it! just don't touch me! come on. a man like ringo's got a great empty hole right through the middle of him and no matter what he does he can't ever fill it. he can't kill enough or steal enough or inflict enough pain to ever fill it. and it drives him mad. sick mad. cold and dirty. what does he want? he wants revenge. being born. no, wait, i'll go with you. i'm sorry. i'm sorry, wyatt. god, i'm so sorry. never got to wear one of those. why johnny ringo, you look like somebody just walked over your grave. oh, i wasn't quite as sick as i made out. i beg to differ. we started a fight we never got to finish. play for blood, remember? i wasn't. and this time it's legal. say when. come on! come on! oh johnny. you're no daisy, no daisy at all. poor soul, he was so high-strung. afraid the strain was more than he could bear. let's go! my horse is over here. i just wanted to see what it felt like. here. well hell, wyatt. wyatt, i want you to meet father feeney. father feeney's just been initiating me into the mysteries of the great and ancient church of rome. you see, it appears my hypocrisy knows no bounds. rather an obvious question under the circumstances, don't you agree? a better one might be how do you feel? i imagine it would, yes. so now we can add self-pity to your list of frailties. you think i'm kidding. you're the most fallible, wrong-headed, self- deluding, just generally benighted jackass i've ever known. yet, withal, even at your worst, you're the only human being in my entire life who ever gave me hope. when will you wake up? you wouldn't know a normal life if it bit you in the ass. i played the cards i was dealt, wyatt. your problem is you're always trying to play someone else's. allow me to tell you the truth and thus set you free: there is no happiness, wyatt there is no normal life. there's only life, that's all. just life. the rest is relative. first you can grab that black- haired woman and make her your own. run. take that girl and start running. run and don't look back. all your life you been running and looking back and just barely existing and calling it getting by. this time run and don't look back and call it living. live every second, live it right up to the hilt. live, wyatt. live for me. wyatt, please, if you were ever my friend, if you ever had even the smallest feeling for me, leave. leave now. please. never mind, wyatt. i know. just go. now let's see, father. what was that monkey show you were talking about? that's it. better start that ball rolling. i'll be damned. this is funny.