interesting little scene. i wonder who that tall man was. oh, i want one. the man dealing faro. who is he? a peace officer. impressive man oh, so that's it. maybe even my destiny. well, hello. wyatt earp, i know. i was beginning to think we'd never meet. this is fortuitous. that means lucky. what is it? oh. now she's starting. how do they know? i have a better idea, let's run it out of them! that was lovely! fun though, wasn't it? wouldn't you? you're laughing! i was sure you never laughed. yes, but how often? tell me, are you happy? you're a little touchy about it. of course, i'm always happy. unless i'm bored. that blonde woman, is that your wife? nothing. tell me, what do you want out of life? just answer. doesn't suit you. just doesn't, that's all. room service. see? you're laughing again. but that's what i want. go places and move and never look back and just have fun. forever. that's my idea of heaven. need someone to share it with, though. well he's handsome and he's charming. he's all right. for now. don't say it, i know, i'm rotten. i can't help it. i've tried to be good but it's too boring. oh look, i haven't got time to be proper, i want to live. i'm a woman, i like men. if that's unladylike then i guess i'm not a lady. at least i'm honest. what's wrong? i know, me too. what should we do about it? you know this is adultery. you burn in hell for that. i must say this certainly has been an unexpected little windfall. and i don't even know your full name. and i'm josephine sarah marcus. my friends call me josie. i hate sadie. always? so i assume we're regarding this as just a kind of interlude. you feel bad about this? about me? you know you don't have to sneak. you could stay with me. i know things, wyatt. sweet things. i could make you so happy. all of me. because i'm wonderful. absolutely nothing. not now. i don't have time. my man? you told wyatt you'd disarmed those men. do you actually believe after that i could see you as my man? you're just a dirty little fixer. i don't understand. please, i know it's awful me coming here, but listen, i can't say why, but i think something is- no! look out! wyatt. we're headed for a booking in denver. they tried to take my watch. he cursed them for cowards and they shot him. he may've been vain and an actor but he was better than all of you. and gentler and braver. i don't understand any of this, i only know it's ugly. you're all ugly and he was beautiful, he tried to put something fine into your ugly world and you killed him for it. anyway the ones who did it are headed north. not that you care. i forgave you the moment you said it. i have to go. i know, it's- wyatt! my god. don't worry, wyatt. my family's rich.