well how do we look? give him some good exercise? sure some stud. some string in fact. what're you gonna do, race 'em? come up, lou. come up here, girl. boy, look at all those stars. bet you can see every star there is. practical touch 'em. kinda makes you think, you know? i mean you look up and you think god made all that but he still remembered to make a little speck like me. kinda flattering really. hey, wyatt, you believe in god? no, come on, really, do you? well what do you think happens when you die? i read this book, book on spiritualism. said a lot of people, when they're dyin', they see this light, like in a tunnel. they say it's the light leading you to heaven. hey, wyatt, god damn it, i'm serious! wyatt, meet fred white, he's town marshal. going into business for ourselves. wyatt just got us a faro game. it's that woman from the coach! hey doc! come on now. now that wounds me. little tin swain walkin' off with that black beauty. i mean i'm a married man and all but still, it ain't right. boy, i love this game. when we're finally set we gotta each have a billiard room in our houses. like you said, wyatt. we're brothers. gotta back your brother's play. just did like i figured you would. come on, we're not about pickin' fights. just gonna keep a little order, that's all. like you said, just gotta know how to handle 'em. old fred wasn't up to it. we know that we're doin', wyatt. what're you talkin' about? doc won't quit, been up 36 hours. clanton came in an hour ago, they switched over to poker. tried to get him to bed but he just won't let go. what're you doin' out of bed, doc? i'm hit. fine. better. you were right. it's nothin' like i thought. i almost wish. you don't talk that way to a female human being! not ever! dropped him, that was it. sorry if i made a worse mess for you. hello, billy. i say hello, deputy. that thunder's sure somethin'. get down, boy. what's it look like? they want a piece of me they can come and get it, i'm not crawlin' into my hole. i am usin' it, wyatt. been wonderin' how the hell we got in this tangle. you know they hit clum's house, too? shot up his wife. his wife. who ever heard of that? men sneakin' around in the dark, back-shootin', scarin' women? they're bugs, wyatt. you know all your smart talk about live and let live? ain't no live and let live with bugs. listen to yourself, wyatt. lie down and crawl or you might get hurt? what kinda talk is that? that's virgil lyin' over there, wyatt. our own brother. ruined for life. no sir, i ain't going no place. you want to go, fine. i'm stayin' right here and have it out with those bastards. how much you wanna bet? you're on. you were right, wyatt. they got me good. don't let 'em get you too. remember about the light you're supposed to see when you're dyin'? isn't true. i can't see a damn thing.