easy, gents. private affair. wyatt! doc! hey! drunks. crawfished a bet, called him a liar. i saw the whole thing. well law and order every time, that's us. nice scenery. yeah. or undertakers. way ahead of you, wyatt. you want us to help you get ike clanton and johnny behan. everybody knows they're the ones to blame for your brothers. 500. year's wages. and i never even saw a horse like that. we come through this in one piece, can we keep the horses? you know, we might just pull this off. sorry. you really look awful. then why in hell're you doin' this? you ought to be in bed. hell, i got lot's of friends. ain't takin' me alive, damn it! yeah, better run, you bastards! what? but i saw 'em- hey creek, you ever see anything like that before? i just thought of somethin' i never thought about before. i don't want to go to hell. talked it over. we decided we don't need the money. took out 13 dollars each, though. federal posseman's fee. that all right? doc's just in no kinda shape. why couldn't they've jus killed him? wyatt, listen, you can't beat him. you're good and god knows you got the courage, but you ain't in ringo's class. hell, he's the best that's ever been. 'cept maybe for wild bill. praise jesus! we're the law, ain't we? well the law don't ride around vermin-