wyatt, you remember allie but she doted on the frowner mrs. earp? land o' love, it finally happened! mattie it's a pleasure! look at him go, will ya? i tell you, that's the real wyatt, born in the saddle. try to be a lady, will you? mighty fine. wonder where he found her. same place we found ours probably well here we are a family again. been so long plain forgot how good it feels. want to thank you for that, wyatt. all your doin'. oh, god, here he goes. hit a streak when we left. him and kate. i don't the cowboys, yeah. i heard of 'em. look pretty rough. doesn't anybody raise a stink? the hell kinda town is this? acquired? what kinda town is this? her maiden name was sullivan. all right, look out! break it up. go home, all of you, go home now. keep your eye on that brass ring. don't let anything side-track you. come on mayor, he already told you no. i'm busy. we're all busy. sorry, mayor, but you're really barkin' up the wrong tree. i can't hardly believe it. it's working out just like you said, wyatt. we're lootin' this burg six ways through sunday. kinda, actually, yeah. i gotta admit. what're you up to today, son? i couldn't help it, wyatt. i looked at that woman and it was just like somebody slapping me in the face. i mean these people're afraid to even walk down the street and i'm trying to make money off it like some kind of god damn vulture. that's not me, that's somebody i don't even know. it's got nothin' to do with you, wyatt. it's- nothin' to it. wait a minute, you thinkin' of getting in bed with the cowboys? you are the one, wyatt. you sure are. come on, boys, take it easy. that's enough, clanton. nobody's in anything, clanton, you're drunk. go home and sleep it off. don't you threaten me, you little- billy clanton, wes fuller, and billy claiborne. now there's six of 'em. this is like a bad dream. here they are again. look at 'em. what the hell're we gonna do? wyatt, they're threatening our lives. they're carrying guns in town. no, damn it, it's wrong, they're breakin' the law. wyatt, i know what i'm doin'. you did? great, thanks. come on, boys. we've come to arrest you. throw up your arms! hold! i don't want that! getting warmer. guess spring's comin'. what d'you want, ringo? gonna be one of those nights. getting late. guess i'll turn in. wyatt. wyatt! no, no, don't worry, honey. i still got one arm left to hug you with. for god's sake, just leave me alone.