who, behan? he ain't no law, only real law here's the cowboys. nobody does nothin' without 'em. they're it. hell, even the apache're scared of 'em. there's a couple right there: sherman mcmasters and pony deal. can always spot a cowboy, they all wear those red sashes. well i'm no wild bill. way i handle 'em's just mainly live and let live. that usually answers but even so, gets kinda spooky sometimes. still somebody's gotta do it, i mean how the hell else you gonna walk down the street? boomtown. wide open. people grabbin' with both hands ain't got time for any law and order. in fact the less law the more opportunities there are for makin' money. plain fact is the cowboys're good for business. ah, now that's the real mother- lode in tombstone. up and down allen street, full-blast 24 hours a day, liquor, hostesses, gamblin', makin' money hand over fist. all except the oriental. on account of the element. have a man for breakfast in there most days. regular slaughter house. high-rollers won't go near it. too bad, nice place. 'fraid i'll have to have those guns. sorry, boys. gotta take you before judge spicer. yeah, probably. wyatt, this is mayor clum and his wife. well everybody's here except the old man. got the blade, billy grounds, zwing hunt, billy claiborne, wes fuller, tom and frank mclaury, billy clanton's the youngest. wild one. then the breeds, hank swilling, pony deal. florentino's mex-breed. they all hate mex, but he hates 'em special. johnny barnes, frank stillwell. that's behan's little deputy, billy breakenridge. follows the cowboys around like a puppy. and the big boys: curly bill brocius, he's the old man's rimrod; the one looks like an actor, that's johnny ringo. best gun alive they say. he's kinda different. curly bill's the only one he talks to. i mean they're all rough boys, but ringo. i don't know. i really don't since when'd you start servin' ladies in here? come on now. we don't want any trouble in here. not in any language. see what i mean about it getting spooky? ike clanton, old man's eldest son. know he ain't got the stuff, makes him miserable. curly bill. he's over across the street shootin' out the lights. no, i gotta do something. i don't suppose you'd card- hey, curly? come on now, boy. hand that over. come on now.