forget it. i said forget it, answer's no, i don't want the job and that's final. i'm going to tombstone and nothin' short of dyin's gonn stop me. good day. no marshal, you don't understand. i'm through with lawing, i'm through with the whole proposition. forever. i did my duty, now i'd like to get on with my life. that is if you don't mind. jesus. good day now. already got a guilty conscience, might as well have the money too. hey! virgil! my god! morgan! hey, boy! you look great! both of you! allie-girl. and louisa! you're so lovely. i'm at your feet, darlin'. just at your feet. guess it's only right. ma always said you were the prettiest. mattie, they're here! folks this is celia ann but you can call her mattie. or even mrs. earp if you prefer. boy, i sure been dreamin' about this. god! since forever! wait! there, look at that! god almighty don't talk, just. yeah. all right, now let's go make our fortune. hope so. clean up with this boy. come up to the fire, honey. they're just lonely is all. hell, i howl myself sometimes. look at that. busted. brand new money ward, too. 33 years old and i don't even have a decent watch. 'bout time i started lookin' out for myself. we're gonna do it, boys. gonna get ours. feel it in my bones. all we have to do is keep our eyes on that brass ring. maybe, yeah. hell, i don't know. got me. somethin'. nothin'. i don't know. really? what about hell? they got a sign or what? well that's your problem. hey virge, see anything of doc while you were in prescott? i miss doc. i miss that ol' rip. he makes me laugh. just this minute. i'm wyatt earp, these're my brothers- gave all that up. going into business. guess we'll take all three. and easy on the grain, i don't want 'em too fidgety. lotta law around here. just met the sheriff. just like any other hard cases. gotta know how to handle 'em. what about all these saloons? let me have one of those cigars. kinda nice in here. you run it? well, excuse me for askin', milt, but isn't it kinda dead in here? why don't you get rid of him and get yourself straight dealer? just wanted to let you know you're sitting in my chair. yeah. it's a fact. don't need to go heeled to get the bulge on a dub like you. yeah. it's a fact. damn right you're scared. i can see it in your eyes. go ahead. skin it. skin that smoke wagon and see what happens. i'm getting tired of your gas. jerk that pistol and go to work. i said throw down, boy. you gonna do something or just stand there and bleed? no, i didn't think so. here, milt. keepsake, hang it over the bar. all right, youngster. out you go. and don't come back. ever. see how easy that was? well we're off and running. just acquired us a quarter-interest in the game at the oriental. so to speak. doc! how the hell are you? didn't you always say gambling's an honest trade? depends how you look at it. i mean it's not like anybody's holding a gun to their heads. sheriff behan, doc holliday. fine, fine. but i was thinkin', you know what this town really needs is a race track. i know him. that's creek johnson. jack. what was that all about? not a prayer. nice meetin' you. but who was the devil? i'll be damned. comin' to the oriental, virge? better go with 'em, honey. here's where i leave you. honey, i gotta start makin' money. well i guess i don't have to go right now. i guess i could stay a little while. no really, i can stay a while. all right, well, good night. i'm your man. you win again. well played, sir. you are on fire. awful lot of money. you're the doctor. sad news, friend. so now we're in the mining business. turning into regular tycoons. gonna call this one the mattie blaylock. mattie'll get a kick out of that, it's her maiden name. just his style, morg. doesn't mean anything. well yeah. pretty much. i mean i was no angel when we met but people change doc. i mean sooner or later you gotta grow up. "she"? i don't know. probably ignore her. i'd ignore her. people can change, doc. oh, hell. satisfied? getting drunk, doc. i'm retired. i heard you the first time. he's drunk. curly bill, huh? who was that other idiot? yeah, and dangerous. why don't you just leave it alone? none of my business, fred. maybe i ought to go out there. go wake up virgil. hey milt, lend me a sidearm, will you? put his clothes out. he just killed a man. well i'm not so go home. you. come here a second. you die first, get it? the others might get me in a rush but before that i'm gonna make your head into a canoe. understand? come on, you. there. he'll keep till morning i know, i need a keeper. but he says did i actually see it happen and i said, no, when i arrived fred'd already been shot. so the judge said, can't have a murder without a witness-case dismissed. can you beat it? after all that. oh hell, who cares, none of my business anyways. you tell 'em, virge. you know, i was thinkin', maybe we ought to open our own place. that's the real money. build it up, milk it for all it's worth, then sell it off for a bundle and breeze out of this burg with more money than croesus and ready to live like kings. let's you and me take a walk around town, virge, see if we can scout us out a couple of nice lots. pretty fun too, isn't it? cat got your tongue? wait a minute, virgil! where you goin'? virgil, please. don't do this to me. nothing to do with me? i'm your brother for christ's sake. god, i don't believe this. talk to him, will you? or hit him. oh no, don't tell me. listen to me, both of you. this is no good. this is trouble we don't need. for the first time in our lives we got a chance to stop wandering and finally be a family. do this and you throw it all away. you saw what happened to fred white. yeah? all right, say you're right, say you don't get yourself killed. there's something else. it's too late for virge, he already rolled his bone. but it's not too late for you, morg. all the years i worked the cowtowns, i was only ever mixed up in one shooting. just one. a man got killed. wasn't my fault, just doin' my job. i don't even know if it was my bullet that dropped him, but. i don't kno, it's sort of hard to explain. at first i just felt funny, you know, kind of clammy inside. but when it finally sunk in what i'd done. believe me, boy, you don't ever want to feel that way. not ever. didn't even make a dent, did i? you're both makin' a big mistake. this hooker's ranch? you seen anything of a man on horseback leading a black stallion? well you must've seen somethin', the trail runs right by your waterhole. oh, i see. so it must've been a cowboy, right? really got you people treed, don't they? mcmasters, isn't it? listen, you seen a black stallion with- i'm not a lawman, i'm just a private citizen getting' my property back so what about you cowboys anyway? yeah, but some of the things they say your brothers've done. where'd you get that horse? i asked where you got him. look, i don't want any trouble with you but that's my horse and i mean to have him back. one way or another. look kid, i know what it's like, i was a kid, too. even stole a horse once. but you can't-- make you a deal. my brother took over the marshal's office in tombstone. got it in his head he's gonna make the place safe for widows and orphans. you and your boys stay out of his way, i'll make sure he stays out of yours. they were all gonna jump me back there. what ever happened to one against one? and how come you call yourselves cowboys? cowhands ride for the brand. this brand. maybe i jumped the gun. maybe those cowboys aren't near as bad as they're painted. you know i was thinkin', there's a lot of money in the cattle business. business is business. don't have to love 'em to work with 'em. not if there's money in it. oh, hell. we've never actually met. my name's- i know what it means. easy now. that mare's in season. they know. it's the scent. we better split 'em up. yeah, i'm an oak all right. you're not that crazy, are you? you know you almost got us both killed back there? you'd die for fun? i laugh sometimes am i happy? i don't know. happy as the next man, i guess. i don't laugh all day long like an idiot, if that's what you mean. i'm not touchy, i just, it's a silly question, that's all. am i happy? are you happy? what about her? where do you get these questions? i don't know, make some money, have some kids, you know. how would you know? well i ought to know my own mind and i'm tellin' you what suits me is a family and kids. that suits me right down to the ground. in fact, that's my idea of heaven. all right, what's your idea of heaven? you mean behan? then why are you with him? the way you talk. never heard a woman talk like that. well you're different, no arguing that. but you're a lady all right. i'll take my oath on it. i don't know, doesn't make any sense. i almost can't look at you. like it hurts. god. then let's make sure we get our money's worth fortuitous even. easy to fix. wyatt berry stapp earp. josie. no, i'm gonna call you sadie. well you'll always be sadie to me. getting late. we better get back. look, it's too much of a tangle. i already cast my lot. i can't go back and i can't sneak, feel back enough as it is. i didn't mean it that way. i can't, i'm sorry. forgive me. that the bottle lou gave you? better go easy on that stuff. out ridin'. so. how you doin'? really? you sure? well, i was thinking, we've already made a pile of money. maybe we should just pull up stakes and move on. and we could stay on the move, you know? just keep going, see the world. live on room service the rest of our lives. how'd that be? just thinkin' out loud. forget it. i know. and nobody can make him. been hittin' it awful hard, doc. but doc- sorry, sorry. nice voice. virgil, don't! take it easy! ike, just go home and forget it, will you? get a doctor! virgil, give me a hand. what the hell's going on? just stay calm, use your head. it'll be all right. just the same, though. guess you better swear me in. yeah, well, i swore a lot of things. easy, virge, they're just tryin' to egg us on. don't worry, doc, it's not your problem. you don't have to mix up in this. wait till the liquor wears off. once they start getting headaches they'll lose interest. you'll never make that stick. virge, that's a misdemeanor. you go down there to arrest 'em, something goes wrong, maybe this time somebody gets his head broke, suddenly it's a mess and it won't end there, you'll have cowboys comin' around lookin' for trouble from here to christmas. you gonna risk all that over a misdemeanor? all right, virge, your call. but give doc the shotgun. they'll be less apt to get nervy if they see him on the street howitzer. well. come on, boys. virge, you're makin' the arrest. you make contact, i'll back you up. morgan'll back me up, doc'll keep an eye out for trouble. and keep your hands on your guns. they even look like they're gonna start something, buffalo 'em. right over the head. look at 'em all. they love it. how in the hell'd we get ourselves into this? oh, great. disarmed my ass. oh, my god. this fight's commenced. get to fightin' or get away! behind us! i don't think i'll let you arrest us today, behan. maybe tomorrow. guess we did our good deed for today. i'm sorry. if there was any other- how you doin', boy? i know, kid. i know. me too. mattie. what about this? 'least you admit it. look, mattie, i know you're- all right, look. i can make it right, i can make this up to you, mattie. i can, i swear. i'm the one made a mess. made a right fair mess of the whole thing. all they ever did was make fun of him. don't want any more trouble, ringo. i'm not gonna fight you, there's no money in it. sober up. come on, boys. bundle up, virge. cold out there. that didn't sound like thunder. virgil? it's all my fault. if i hadn't been so damn smart, if i'd just. oh god, virge, i'm so sorry. virgil, what am i going to do? no? brothers to the bone, right? morgan, are you crazy? they're out gunning for us! what the hell're you doin'? morg, use your head. i know, i was wrong. but morg, look, we got to get out. i just got it fixed. no, no! get the doctor! jesus christ! oh, no, get her out of her! jesus! somebody shut that dog up! will somebody get the damn dog out- easy morg, don't think about that now. morgan? morgan! no, no, get away, get away from me. whore! filthy whore! get away from me! i want you to know it's over. we're leaving and we're not coming back. carthage, really? i'm from monmouth. if the lord is my friend. know why you're here? they're nothing. they're nobody. i want the cowboys. all of 'em. i mean to break 'em up, drive 'em out of the territory. i'll pay you 500 each in advance and i'll mount you on those. got a sheaf of federal warrants. being in the territories it's up to our discretion how they're served. that means we got the cowboys without quarter. the black flag, brother. no prisoners, no mercy, amen. the minute we start we'll be going against local and county law. if we fail the u.s. government won't be able to lift a finger to help us. nevertheless i want you to understand we carry the full force and authority of the law of this land. raise your right hands. do you solemnly swear to uphold the laws and constitution of the united states of america and to protect her citizens to the best of your ability, even at the cost of your own life? all right, let's wring 'em out! united states marshals! reach! one more word and i'll blind you. get over there! all right, run 'em off. all right, breed. dig in. felt his liver go on that last one. get him to a doctor or he'll be dead in a couple hours. drop his horse. a human life. twelve dollars. look at him. that's how you'll all end up if you don't get it through your head: it's over, the cowboys're finished. forever. so tell the others and get out of the territory 'cause next time i leave no one alive. understand? no one. you been warned. all right, burn it! everything! leave that trash where it lays. i know that cut. you mean there's a waterhole near there? we'll see about that. wait. wait. steady. now! lay on! come on! so he can tell the story. there's no reasoning with him. they're wise by now. which is next, iron springs? yeah, let's try there, iron springs. we'll go around that way, come up on foot. no. no. no. no. no. no! no! no. no. i don't know. it all happened so fast. if i'd had a chance to think about it i guess i probably would've been scared but. swear to god, doc, i just don't know. sure. mounts're getting jaded. we're gonna have to find a place to rest 'em up. doc. grab him. horse're pretty well fagged and we got a sick man with us. sorry about your friend. and i'm sorry about. you did. well. thank you. wait! goodbye. damn. damn! see how she breezed out of here. like she had wings. funny thing but i can't really remember how she looked. i can remember parts of her clear as crystal, her mouth, her walk, how she shut her eyes when she laughed, little bits and pieces, but not the whole package. can't put it together for some reason. cards in spades. i'm in love with every second of her life. hell, i'll probably love her when i'm dust. we should get moving. i don't like it. you tell ringo. just tell him i'll be there. i made a promise. but i'd do it, i'd get that one into him. so help me god, i would. what makes a man like ringo, doc? what makes him do the things he does? so what does he want? revenge? for what? remember how i said it all happened so fast with curly bill i didn't have time to think about it? well i've had plenty of time to think about this. i spent most of my life since i was born not knowing what i want out of life, just chasin' my tail. but now, for the first time i know exactly what i want. and who. and that's the damnable misery of it. i can't beat him, can i? that's all right, doc. don't worry. they're not givin' you any safe conduct. soon as the shooting starts kick east for the new mexico line. well. i know. me neither. dear god, this is the last battle. i worked it out in my head every which way and i know there's no way i'm comin' through this alive. you've preserved me this far so i only ask one more favor: just let me live long enough to kill that man. thy will be done and there's an amen to it. what happened? all right, what's it to be? new mexico's that way. so're the cowboys. they're up that road right now, waiting to jump us. how you feelin', doc? hurts. hurts pretty bad. all right, doc. all i ever wanted was to live a normal life. that's great coming from you. then what do i do? all right. then what? did you ever see the sun come up over the rockies? it hits all of a sudden and below there's california and you swear you're looking at heaven. i have nothing left. i have nothing to give you. i have no pride, no dignity, no money. i don't even know how we'll make a living. but i promise i'll love you every second of your life. there. it'll come up over that ridge. get ready, here it comes! here it comes!