- i'll be sure to acknowledge 007's 'assistance' in my report to the prime minister. but this is, still, a naval operation. i've seen enough. let's finish this. tell your man to drop back. we're initiating plan b - - thank you, m. but this is more than your man can handle. are we in agreement? command to nelson: authorization to fire. i appreciate your assistance, m. but this is now a military operation. it's too late - jesus. can't you people keep anything locked up? excuse me, but - i must formally protest this meeting. given the nature of what's occurred - and the need for secrecy - i see no reason to involve the air force, the army, or mi-6. this is an internal affair that should be handled strictly by the officers of her majesty's royal navy. yes. of course. we were bringing it back from hong kong. under orders from the treasury. i resent your tone, sir. i have men who are missing - 36 hours. they've already sailed from the persian gulf.