there has to be an easier way to earn a living. negative, one. not yet. by the way: thank the general for all his "assistance." over and out. and what do you call these? indeed they are. deadly little things. and what do you call these? the gang of two? i was just getting to the interesting part! remind me. is that mandarin, or cantonese? hello - hello. not at all, moneypenny. i was just brushing up on a little chinese. moneypenny. here i was, finally getting a feel for a new tongue - 4:30. it may take me a little longer to wrap things up here. tsi tien, chien-penny. i can't. but i did enjoy the dress rehearsal. tsi tien, professor wu. nothing like a little imperialism to promote loyalty among the faithful. yes, m. interesting presentation. they point, i shoot. of course. depends what number you write. married? kids? no. thanks. take care - moneypenny! we've got to stop meeting like this. they may be on to us. in the darkest moments, it's what i live for. especially since i've heard how much you like to watch. on the hidden camera. moneypenny! how indiscreet! have you ever known me to kiss and tell? - we all want what we can't have? what - no lust for adventure? of course. minister johnstone. only what i read in the newspapers. occasionally, yes. british media mogul. born in hong kong; controls newspapers, tv, radio, cable, satellites; books, magazines, movies, computer software. theme parks. 'able to topple governments with a single story' - as he says in his press. what's harmsway done? perhaps. but it does explain how an ex-kgb agent turned illegal-arms dealer is suddenly portrayed as a long-time friend of the people. if you believe what you read in the papers. of course. didn't we once investigate harmsway? how will i meet the informant? i understand. political considerations? i hate to ask, but. did you ever think you'd miss communism? hopefully, it won't get that far. okay, saunders. what is it this time? rocket in the leg? machine pistol in the arm? come on. i know better than that - it must do something. the die is cast. how is old q? fishing? saunders, i've lit cigarettes - shoelaces? perfect way to tie up a. 'knotty' problem? does it work on cash machines? i see. if you can't do the time, don't do the crime? a wedding band??? what am i supposed to be able to do with this? i'll give you a ring from venice. till death do us part. looking for someone? paris?!? what are you doing here? i thought your specialty was good-bye. is this another one of your games? i've got half the british government breathing down my neck. i don't have time for your nonsense. nothing. what about elliot harmsway? or is this just another one of your stunts? do you? what about the uranium? shhhhh. how do you know harmsway? so that's how he does it. prego, prego. permissio. grazie - he fought hard. but the case was terminal. you've confirmed all the legal details with m? let's go over this one more time. and you'll wait until after the press conference - and everyone is gone - before you board the boat and arrest him. valentin. what an unpleasant surprise. one. i must say, valentin, capitalism seems to be treating you well. of course. if you can't beat the government, you might as well own it. the name is bond. james bond. you might say i've always been one of mr. valentin's biggest followers. it's a beautiful boat, sir elliot. practically glows in the dark. paris - why didn't you tell me? why wasn't it in our files? go to my hotel room. i'll be there in twenty minutes. one thing at a time. i'll see you in twenty minutes. go. which part? the colonel's? or yours? we'll see about that. the danielli. presto! paris? paris? you might say. 'public relations.' moneypenny! you're early. you weren't supposed to call until - yes. i understand. twenty minutes. sorry i'm late - i've looked forward to meeting you. minister - obviously, mi-6 was not involved in this operation. but i have to defend the admiral. yes. i have an excellent teacher. 'make sure you wear the uniform'? it doesn't quite add up. the infrared satellite images. no heat, no flame, no explosion. if that boat went down where they said it did, there should have been some residual heat reading on the surface. a three-thousand ton frigate doesn't just vanish into thin air. didn't elliot harmsway just move his headquarters to kuala lumpur? we should be right over it. where? what is it? let's make another pass. get rid of them. still nothing? wade, what the hell are you doing here? that's reassuring. let's take a look at the body. i don't think so. the veins are cauterized - as if they were sealed by heat. but there are no burn marks on the flesh. it doesn't make sense. who found the body? ask him if it could have washed in from the west side of the strait. you have a boat? something with an engine? not oars? tide and current charts. work backward from the body - find where the ship sank. where did you get the boat? over there. not if you kill us first - unless that's how you plan to leave muffy. natalya? she married a hockey player. we work in the dark. we do what we can. thanks. by the way - was there anything strange the night before last? odd weather, lost boats - ?? bus problem? thanks. i have to get these to london. do you know this captain cheong? can you arrange a meeting? i know. pirates from sumatra want the cargo; smugglers from thailand and burma want the ships. i'm sorry. did you test the auto-pilots? the satellite positioning receiver? i appreciate your time - where can i find him? i wonder if you handle your liquor more carefully than you handle your boat. - and i bet you always leave turmoil in your wake. this afternoon. our boats practically kissed in the harbor. james bond. vodka martini, shaken not stirred. and another for you? boyfriend? pity. bring him whatever he wants. actually, i'm here on business. you might say it was a. golden opportunity. insurance. lloyds of london. i'll keep that in mind. nice to run into you again. not quite yet, taro - he tied one on. q! how are you? i'm sorry. it was a national emergency - do you have any idea of what any of that means? in english? do i have to dial '9' to get out? - four wheel drive? 17 beverage cup holders? i must say, q, you seem to be doing rather well in your retirement. slow down. we're close. who knows? fog, night. wait a minute - i've got it. there! off the port bow! cut the engines! it's about two- hundred fifty feet down. i'll make a bounce dive. if i can keep my bottom time short, i'll be all right. keep your eye out for pirates. that's reassuring. interesting point. somehow, that's not reassuring. sidney winch, meet - you have to excuse miss winch: she thinks she's on a 'seduce and destroy' mission through life. . but she won't kill us. no. first, because i don't think it's in your nature. and second, because there's no gold down there. that's fine, but - even a little london girl knows that one third of nothing is still nothing. i hope so. i hope you'll be gentle. unusual technique. - the family jewels? if i were you - just remember: they think there's ten billion dollars in gold down there. gatling gun beats uzi. yes - wait a minute - don't you think you're overreacting? that's all well and good, captain, save for one thing: there's no gold down there. yes, the ship is down there. but the gold is gone. i know what i saw - aye-aye, captain. i'm not certain. but i think there's someone i want to press for some answers in kuala lumpur. bond. who is this? how did you get this number? i'm on my way. james bond to see elliot harmsway. i'd prefer to park it myself. temperamental. practically has a mind of its own. sir elliot. yes. a man with ink in his veins, and blood on his hands. and how many of those newspapers carried paris harmsway's obituary? i see. i wonder if it runs in the family. i can feel your pain. sightseeing. yes. i can see: you've hung the rest of your relatives. so why did you leave? and still not a thing to watch. although it must be fun to have all those satellites. or disinformation. if you wanted to, say, beam down a signal to send a ship off course? maybe one degree a minute? words to live by? briefly. sidney, perhaps we should leave this to - sidney, i wouldn't - why don't we just take these - i'm sure they will. do you have a gun? you heard me. a gun? i left mine in the car. listen to me! i'm a british secret service agent. and we have about two minutes before harmsway kills both of us. harmsway sank that ship and stole the gold. it's on the sea dolphin ii. and thanks to your little show and tell - - giving him the evidence - we're the only ones who can tie him to the crime. blood or dutch? he's killed closer. maybe. but why are we going up instead of down? sidney, come with me - need a lift? i'd try the stairs. the only mistake is that they didn't kill us in the elevator. wait here. out. come here. you shoot. i'll cook. aim that way. shoot back! one second - how did you get into marine salvage? not a lot of difference. either way, you're taking the goods from dead hulks. let's go - damn! cleans dirt. let's go. up. up. that should buy us some time. help me move this. we'll go down close to the sky bridge. we may be able to swing over and use it for cover. sometimes, you just have to take the plunge. one thing at a time. trust me. let's go - hold on! we tried that already. remember? sidney, we don't have time for this - put your back to the railing. sit up on it. put your arms around my neck. lock your legs around my waist. sometimes you just have to - it's a lousy job, but - the only reason i stay is for the health benefits. he was bad news. down there! i think they'd rather know who stole their gold. are your guards really going to kill a helpless girl? what did you do, harmsway? make some deal with the chinese government for the gold?. was the radioactive uranium i found in venice part of it? i forgot to mention: the job comes with a car. here. you shoot. i'll drive. another reason??? did i miss something??? aim that way. ready? now! if it's radio controlled, it'll break the code. we blast through. sleep well? i see you're in your natural element, harmsway: a room filled with lethal power. . with a toxic core at its center. so that's what the weapons grade uranium was for. - instant melt-down. why, harmsway? wasn't stealing the gold enough? what could you possibly have to be vengeful for, harmsway? still trying to prove yourself to daddy? i think uncle elliot is having his own melt-down. hong kong destroyed by nuclear meltdown. british agent found in reactor suspected of sabotage; harmsway calls for british government to resign. what about the gold? you'll never get away with it, harmsway. too many people know. one problem, harmsway: the girl. and the handcuffs. they'll give it away. i'd rather die alone. i never believe what i read in the newspapers. where is she, harmsway? where is she harmsway? - you spineless paper tiger - where is she, harmsway?!? or did you kill her like paris? i didn't say when i want to die - yes??? yes? and number two? and when might that be? yes. but some days. are longer than others.