attention sea barge: lay down your weapons, and prepare to be boarded. repeat: lay down your weapons, and prepare to be boarded. who's in charge here? you have precisely one minute to pull up your anchor and be under way. who's wade? thanks for your message. and you're bond? guard! arrest these men! escort them to the cutter! get them out of here. if he says one word, shoot him. captain morton. good for you, miss winch. you now have exactly 30 seconds to get this rust bucket out of here. fifteen seconds. perhaps you should consider hiring an attorney. hmmm. i suppose this is a step above that profession. ten seconds. are you leaving? you leave me no alternative. cut her anchor. good-day, miss winch. i advise you to get some steam up - before you run aground. it's no trick, mr. wade. i've got half a mind to throw both of you in the brig. yes. the famous james bond. i've heard all about you, sir. you were under direct orders to act as an observer - and yet you had to go off, on your own, like some half-assed cia cowboy - endangering the gold, attracting that lunatic woman, and then putting in a distress call for us to save your bloody hide. what are you talking about? we went through all this and the ship isn't even down there? that's absurd! it took two squads of forty men fifteen days to load that gold.