yes, sir! attention all hands. now hear this. we will rig immediately for electronic silence. all electronic gear is to be shut down. all personal radios, video devices and computers will be stowed at once. let's hope so. we'll all breathe a lot easier when we get this cargo back to london. can't see a damn thing in this fog. rating: what have we got? what's wrong? not in the strait. how's our position? did you check the auto-pilot? check it again. what about the global positioning satellite? could there be something wrong with the signal? how is it now? a dead head. water logged timber. floats straight up. you sometimes see them on the east side of the channel - from the logging camps on sumatra - but they don't usually float this far west. muncy! engines to half! chew up a log like that in the propeller, you end up with enough paperwork to go from here to london. twice. punch up the radar - that's impossible! we're in the middle of the channel! full stop!!! call the captain! what?!?! get me damage reports! start the pumps! i think we've been holed, sir! sound the general alarm! seal all compartments! go to back up generators! where the hell are those generators? get those pumps working! where the hell is the captain?!?! abandon ship! break radio silence! send our position!