his newspapers? a rumor - from an anonymous source - hearsay. idle chatter from a source you can't identify - who insists on talking only to 007. nothing but loose talk and innuendo. more scurrilous, unsubstantiated gossip. need i remind the two of you that elliot harmsway - sir elliot harmsway - is directly descended from the earl of aberdeen? that his scottish ancestors practically invented hong kong - and out of sheer gratitude, queen victoria herself named the port "aberdeen harbor" in their honor? not to mention the chaos it caused at whitehall when his newspapers began screaming for the recall of the sitting government. there is one last thing, 007: elliot harmsway is vital to the economic interests of this nation. he's also a major contributor to the party. i expect him to be given every consideration. to the best of my recollection, mr. bond, i suggested no such thing. in fact, i was never here. good evening. i've just spoken with the prime minister at the economic summit in tokyo; he's expecting a full update within the hour. for those of you still unaware, some forty minutes ago - admiral, are you suggesting - as i was saying: approximately forty- five minutes ago, we received an abandon ship signal from the h.m.s. indomitable. looking at these infrared satellite images - provided by mr. tanner of mi-6 -the ship is presumed lost here, just south of kuala lumpur, where she broadcast her last position. one-third of the british gold reserves?!? what kind of idiot loses - what is it? the equivalent of ten billion us dollars??? what the hell was the gold doing on that boat? why wasn't the ship protected?!?! why was it sailing without radar? and i have the entire british economy to worry about. at least we know where the gold is. when are the recovery ships due? i expect to have that gold recovered in 36 hours. until then, i'm imposing my own electronic silence: for the sake of the economy, not a word to nato, the press, the cia. . and so long as commander bond here seems to be such an expert on these matters, i want him to go along as an observer. are we agreed?