bourbon. neat. sometimes, you just have to plunge into things. be reckless. have we met? sidney winch. no. but you can buy a drink for my friend, taro. chaperone. i'm waiting for my dinner date. so what brings you to kuala lumpur, mr. bond? wait - don't tell me: unhappy marriage? running from some poor little girl with two kids and a chanel pocketbook in - london? and exactly what business are you in, mr. bond? the strait can be a very dangerous place, mr. bond. a few words scribbled on a piece of paper in london doesn't carry a lot of value out here. including life insurance. i see my date is here. and i think mr. bond is ready to leave. let's not make it a habit. uncle elliot!! just give me one goad reason - mister bond, from lloyds of london - why i shouldn't kill both of you, burn your boat, and use your bodies for shark bait. who is he? - shut up! no? so charming! so suave! don't insult me. i'm not one of your 'little london girls' who falls for the lies. every wharf-rat from here to hong kong knows what's on that boat and i'm claiming it. one-third of that gold is mine. was he carrying anything? search him. do i have to do everything around here? think about mom. and what do you call this? what is this? bring them. - you're not. thank you. "now hear this: drop dead." i am. what do you want? forget it. no way. i got here first. what's your name? my name is sidney winch, and - i know my rights. these are international waters. the british navy abandoned that boat, and i'm claiming it. under international law, i have the right to salvage what's on that wreck. i was an attorney! no. you won't get away with this! you bastards! believe me - you haven't heard the last of me! that's okay, uncle ell - what is he doing here? he's not going to tell the truth! he was diving for the gold! - i told you! he was there! - but i have proof! you ran out of here so fast, i didn't get to show you. he brought that up from the wreck. and what about this? any idea what this is? no. i want sir elliot to keep them. thank you, uncle elliot. what? that's funny: you struck me as the kind of man who always carries protection. has anyone ever suggested that you're a paranoid psychotic? elliot harmsway is my uncle! he was my father's best friend! you are seriously deranged. not if my life depended on it. thank god! he's crazy! no. this is a mistake! this has got to be a mistake. no. i'm going with you. james! okay. so it wasn't a mistake. what do we do now? offer them dinner?!?! my father left me the business. i used to be a divorce lawyer in new york city. what do you mean? what the hell does that do? down? down? now what? no way. i sail. i do not fly. all i know is one thing: if we get out of here alive, that gold is mine. i've earned it. what now? and don't give me some movie clich like 'trust me.' we're going to bounce off that thing! what about the elevators? you know, this is as much your fault as it is mine. sure! just when i want to talk - not that i would have believed you - are you listening to me? we have time for that? don't say it. is this - like - a normal day for you? uncle elliot: how could you do this to me? you know, that's another reason you're probably not in a successful relationship. you insist on calling all the shots. and by the way: i am not a helpless girl. we're not going to make it! if not? next time, i do the driving. you bastard - no. i want to stay with him. my timing always was lousy. enjoy the rest of your life. - can't we make a deal? i won't say anything - what do you mean, you'd rather die alone? before we go any further here, mr. bond, from lloyds of london, i just want to get two things straight. first, that boat is in international waters. i'm claiming it for salvage. one-third of that gold is mine. if you think we're going to have some kind of 'life affirming' romance here just because we cheated death, let me be clear: we're going to have it where i want, and when i want. now. james. is this really what a typical day is like for you?