a regular terrorist swap meet. death at discount: two chinese long march scuds, a pair of soviet a-17 attack helicopters - and the crates look like american m-16 assault rifles, chilean antipersonnel mines, six french exocet missiles, and 75 - no maybe a hundred - kilograms of czech made c-4 semtech explosive. something for everyone. fun for the whole family. one to seven: deal the face cards. gustav meinholtz. neo-nazi, former east german stasi agent. ties to the beider-meinhoff gang. aces high, seven. bid to the east. vilko barkoviac. bosnian war criminal; thought to be operating freelance out of teheran. full house, seven. bid to the north. sitoshi isagura. japanese religious fanatic. wanted for the tokyo subway - one to seven: exit target area. repeat - oh, no. kim dae yung. north korean nuclear specialist. i don't know. he's not in the database - maybe. maybe not. one to seven - one to seven - soviet sb-9 nuclear torpedo. yield, one kiloton. yes. god help him.