engage, maverick - anytime. what? where're you--hey, where in the hell are you going? what do you mean? it doesn't get to look much better than that? what are you doing? since when did you care about paperwork? if i could fly like you i'd have everything i want. if i could fly at all. i can't fly. i can't fly like that. nobody can. whatever it is, you've got it! so, you're scared--so what? you ever get a good look at me in the back seat, i'm goddamn terrified. i don't know where he is. i don't know. i'm glad. let's go! dive on those bastards! come on, man, engage. this is it. get your nose in there. bandit at seven o'clock low--solo. take him. pull on the goddamn stick, man! don't tell me okay. do it! break left! break left! chaff! flares! ice's defensive, help him out. one on our six! bug out! bug out! ohhhhh shit! there's another one up there! we're ballistic! ohhhhhh shit! ohhh mother! don't worry!!!? you've got it!!? are you crazy? you've got it? good! cause for a minute there, you had me worried. now have you got it? have you still got it? i know! swell! passing ten thousand! passing 8. passing 6. lock your harness! right behind you. speed's up to 150. 5000 feet. speed two hundred. 4500. critical point. what are you talking about, we gotta go! gotta go, man. 3,000 feet. we gotta go, man. 3,000 feet, we gotta go! i'm gonna go! three. two. one. what in the christ. was that? did you plan that? was all that something you planned? because. if that was. next time you tell me first. what a dope! maybe they'll give him another plane. and we can shoot him down again. what is it? what's wrong? is there something i should know? is it the plane? is it you? you're not supposed to. then. shit! go ahead. i'm right behind you. what happened to you? you hear that? anything we want. anything. well??? what do you want? what do you want? i think they know we're here. oh, no. you did the flying, i'll do the talking! why admiral. how really good it is to see you!