uh oh, police escort. this one must be a real killer. frat boys. what do you think it was? was it that mig contact that did it? got you here. you mean notorious. that's not what i heard. below the hard deck doesn't count. you guys are the second team, aren't you? get out of there, you're unsafe. get lost! stay out of it. stay out of it, no, no, no, he's mine. no, i got him. i can take him. sonofabitch. look out! mustang, this is voodoo one, mustang, we have four migs in the wood! wood, acknowledge! voodoo one, mustang. voodoo three do you have them? did they get out or not? mustang, ghost rider. permission to two migs on my tail, maverick. i'm look out! good tone, fox one ah nuts! son of a bitch! on the nose? i can't lose him, can you get off a shot? what choice do i have? shoot it. i know. i know. aw hell, let's do it! i guess i owe you one. you saved our lives. you did it! you're a hell of a flyer. you can be my wingman any time. whatever you say, commander. mig killers! what else is there?