come in. cougar, what is it? you should be in sick bay. what are you doing? don't. i talked a man back once. three months later, we lost him. it's his decision. only he knows. was. was going. now you are. well, he's going and he needs someone to fly the plane. i didn't do it, he did it himself. something about a wife and kid. the fact is, he's lost it. he knows it. i know it. you were up there, you know it, too. i know some rios are a little wiggy. but you abuse the priviledge! i don't believe i'm going to have to put the two of you in the same cockpit. but there it is! it may be good for the navy. it might be good for you, but most of all, it's good for me. it'll get you out of my sight. well, you'll just have to make do with him . he's a hell of a flyer. in fact, he's so damn good he might have been picked for top gun himself. except for one thing. he just can't seem to follow orders! you just did an incredibly brave thing! what you should have done was land your plane. you don't own that plane, the taxpayers do. i should ream you out for it. but it just doesn't work with you. you're a hell of a flyer. you are maybe . too good. you never really stepped in it yet. so this is your chance. i'm gonna send you up against the best. they are better than you. maybe they'll knock that shine off your eagle and you'll see, finally, where discipline and teamwork fit it. maverick hasn't really heard anything but topgun. he snaps out of it. that is all. tell me about the mig some other time. maverick. the wings. gentlemen! good luck. navy oceanographic ship. international waters. fired upon. unknown forces. by unknown forces. by migs. we don't know who they are. all i know is that it's our ship, and our orders are to escort it out of the area. this is "bullseye". a rescue operation is to begin within the hour. your mission is to give air support to that rescue. there are migs in the area, and tensions are high. if you witness a hostile act you will return fire. we will be covering 360 degrees of the compass by section. be prepared for anything. mig killers! you name it, boy. sky's the limit. you name it. a medal. anything you want. anything. they don't seem to want to come up anymore. there's nothing on the scopes. in fact, everybody's denying the incident ever happened. so. what is it? what do you want?