mine's right around the corner. but i out-hustle him, right? sorta. bunch of miners out here got their own claims, from way back. cohaagen's buyin' em all up, says he's gonna cut off the air an' water if they won't sell. you don't look so good, boss. all over the universe, women is an awful curse. it's a tough planet, boss. some guy really screwed her - screwed her up real good. some earthman. just hopped on a space shuttle. if that means i know it all, you're right, boss. i don't know nothin'. not about the sphinx. that's out of the ball park. no can do, mon. you want women, cigarettes, red-market money, booze, even air or water. bennie's your man. but the sphinx. that's well. look at that one, eh? big cheese in town. big smelly cheese. no way. that cat just cheat the martian workers without ever leavin' his place in beverly hills. somethin' must be cookin'. bad news, boss lady. black cruiser just pull out behind us. forget the shooter, boss. i lose 'em for you. hang on! yutani 650 -- you like it, boss? nothing like the old gas when you want a bit of speed. nothin', boss. just old smokies. only place they can come for a puff. it's all banned topside. that's right, boss. well, maybe we ain't fashion leaders, boss. just an ole heap o' stone, boss. aw, come off it, man. just for a bit of mumbo-jumbo with a crystal ball. you stopped breathing! no choice, boss. it was him or you. phobos and demos! what was that all about? well. you go outta here. take a left, then down past the first. no second. water bureau you. no problem. impossible, man. guards everywhere. we'll never get near the sphinx! they'll blow us apart! it's a hunk of old stone, man. just deliverin' some old junk to the mine out at apidalia planitia. got them people you're lookin' for in the back as well. you sure the little man didn't fry your brain, quail? that's air! man! this is real complicated. go over it again, real slow. like i said. it's a tough planet. i'm a baddie, not a goodie. eio rule one, man. trust nobody. now you can do your terriforming stuff right when those space shuttles are gone. your cause? that bunch of dead beat radicals! when i hand in this little number. . i'll get real estate rights on the whole of chryse planitia. this makes bennie a cut above anyone else.