we're dealing with a bunch of extremists and unrepresentative lunatics. mars is a happy and prosperous protectorate of earth. and will remain so. i have no further comment. anything? there must be something -- some place he would go, some friend he would run to. again?! are you sure the original suppression took? then how do you explain what he's doing? he'll remember mars? the sphinx project? what do you think i am? a barbarian? we're not living in the twentieth century! hold it there. i take it, then, you've failed to get him again. proceed with operation sphinx. with him. . on the lose, i'm not taking any more chances. operation sphinx will flush him out. the air supply is off under the domes? any trouble with the rabble? how the hell did they get in? up the fusion core?? seal all upper levels. forget them. we'll pick up quail once the shuttles have left for earth. we'll tell him the computer's worked out the operational details so we don't really need him. we're just doing him a favor. we offer him rewards. we'll torture him. you don't think i got this far by being a nice guy? seal the breach! repressurize! wait! if you activate the mechanism you'll die. there were glimpses of it in your memory. that's your death. that's what it looks like. that's what is always looks like. it's not too late. join us again. u've a lot to offer. a whole world.