no need to introduce yourself, mr. quail. tolerate my presumption, but it does not tax my powers to know that you are the most sought-after man on two worlds. this way, my dear man. we have much to accomplish -- -- and very little time. the turbulence you hear outside is but a reflection of the turmoil within you. you have brought it to mars in your search for yourself. indubitably. there is only small matter of a fee. income before ideals. shall we say five-hundred-thousand dollars? not martian dollars, mr. quail - earth dollars. what price do you put, mr. quail, on the future of the solar system? listen, buster, we're talking heavy stuff here. you try and work out what's with this guy! retrieving the past is like walking backwards along a perilous road. the half-recalled, the half-forgotten, the repressed, the fantasies, the triumphs, joys, failures, betrayals. yes. i can feel it. a wall. erasure techniques are so brutal. blocks. side channels. future and past all jumbled. i shall have to enter deep trance to break through. i will be scanning you through the oracle head.