you bastard! you bastard. that's new -- the innocent look. you didn't have that one before. well? all right, i'll say it for you. don't worry. i got the note. you discharged your obligation. oh, the usual one. "must return immediately to earth. the wife needs me" what are you here for?! "whoever you were"??? memory erasure is what they use on agents. go away. i'm not trusting you again. that you was a liar. who you are now i don't even know. get out! get out! get the hell away from me! yes, mr. quail, i'm afraid it's all true. i tried to break through to you earlier, but you just molded me into your fantasy. sometimes it takes dr. edgemar to get through to a client as tough as you. please, mr. quail. try to cooperate. you're having a schizophrenic embolism. watch out, charles! there's more of them in the hall! there's an explosive in the clipboard! he has a dead-man switch in his hand! they kidnapped me. said they'd kill you if i didn't cooperate. i told them i didn't care, but then when i realized they meant it. we were together before. go, bennie, for god's sake! what? you better have two aces, bennie. there's a second cruiser -- and it's gaining -- no. but we still believe in a free mars. you - when you were charles hauser with e.i.o - infiltrated our group. i guess cohaagen didn't trust you any more when you and so he had your memory wiped and fixed you up with a new identity. i don't know. maybe there's a way you can get your memory back. a bit of martian wisdom. we're not all stupid colonists. he's doing it! clearing everyone out! it's been rumored for months. i though you believed in our cause? ssssh. there are skills on mars that earth has forgotten. this is for our cause! that's interplanetary robbery! charles! are you all right? he kept dragging you deeper and deeper into the trance! we couldn't wake either of you! are you okay?. charles? doug? whoever? but why? the oracle. what did you learn? what are we doing, charles? for god's sake, tell us. purpose? what purpose? for what? to do what? so why is cohaagen shipping everyone out? and cohaagen's going to own it all! no wonder he wanted you to. penetrate. out group. so what can we do? but who'll work the machine? do you know how? but cohaagen wiped your memory!!! and all without the marvels of modern science! you bastard. but what about the martian people? out cause? i thought you believed in it. we got in with this thing, but we'll never get back out. remind me not to slip. where'd you get that little trick? great stuff, but how do we get up? those shuttles are starting up any minute. if you know how to work this thing, you better do it now. don't you know how? don't wait! charles - for mars's sake. it's happening.