i dreamed about mars again. it was bizarre, yet is was so real. people do go to mars, you know. you know -- let's really do it. no. go to mars. we can pool our savings and i've got some sick leave coming, besides my regular vacation. that's just media talk. they're. . just a minority. they're powerless. i'll be late! i keep forgetting, herb. they frighten me. okay. herb, okay. but. is the process really that effective? a false memory!? is it in any way dangerous? i mean, the medical techniques? it's just - incredible. but. i'll know i hired you. that'll destroy the whole illusion. i won't? "intelligence agent". wouldn't that be dangerous? i might attack. i don't know. about the whole thing. it's all such a fake. i won't really have gone. i won't really. you know that's illegal. this really going to work? well. i'd like to see the martian sphinx. one hundred. ninety-nine. ninety-eight. ninety-seven. ninety-six. ninety-five. sophie. yes. yes. all of you in this room are dead. you've broken my cover. you've compromised the sphinx project. you'll have to be silenced. my name isn't quail. i believe you, but that won't stop e.t.o. from killing you. killing you. killing you. killing you. where am i? where am i going? how did i get here? how did i get into this cab? mr. zimmer. mr. zimmer. help me. they're. where are you taking me? but i didn't. are you telling me. i did go to mars? i don't remember? sphinx?. no, no, i don't, i. what about the people at rekall? i don't recall rekall but you said if they know what i did? why don't you ask them? they'll tell you i didn't. what do you mean? what are you going to do with me? my god! no! you're going to kill me! no! it's not my fault! you can't do it! wait a minute, i remember -- on mars. they tried to kill me. and. did you know i've been to mars? i think i've been. i vaguely recall. forget? remembering is the problem i must've been to one of those artificial memory places. but something went wrong. something about a real memory. and then those men. tried to kill me. no. that's what's so amazing. i killed them. i think. i'm involved somehow with e.i.o. it's true. it's no fantasy. for fuck's sake, this is no breakdown! my god! did you say i need a psychiatrist? how could you do it? after eight years! not my wife! you are out of your mind. why are you lying like this? but why all of this? but i remember it! all of it!. us! our friends. my work. eight years. this is crazy! if all my memories are false, who am i? what am i? jesus. it's like i don't exist. why did you try to kill me? why does e.i.o. want me dead? well, what did i do on mars that they have to keep me from telling? all right. i'm leaving. don't try and follow me -- no wonder you got the role as my bitchy wife -- type casting. a room for the night. here's ten thousand. forget the id. i have a liaison with a lady. and i'm married. i told you, i don't want to be disturbed. who are you? what the hell is this? why should i trust you? keep talking. what do i want with grecian candlesticks! how did you know where to find me? you're e.i.o. you're on the other team. i can't remember - only bits. i'm hotchkiss. i came for the. grecian candlesticks. i wonder if you could tell me. martian money. what the hell? it's no garden of eden. what do you know about that? yeah. got destroyed in the arab wars. what about this independence movement? sure. douglas quail. prejudiced? against what? what are they singing? nice to be back. i'm flattered you remember me. do you remember my first name, too? i'm impressed. listen. i need transportation to the. uh. the sphinx. can you arrange it for me? what item? oh. yes, please. that one's closer. right. what is this, bennie. tombstone? i'm looking for melina noel. well, uh. i. what note? i don't have a wife. well, i do - but not a real wife. hell. look. someone else sent that note. someone who -- for you! i don't even know why -- whoever i was, i must have been a helluva guy. listen. i've for to tell you something. i beg you to believe me. help me -- something happened to my mind. memory suppression, false implant, i don't know what -- what i'm saying is. i don't remember you. i don't remember us. i don't remember me -- who is us? wait. i was an agent -- i'm not now -- just tell me who i am! how did we know each other? why are they trying to kill me?! you loved me once, you must have -- please, melina -- i need your help -- yeah, right. listen, bennie. you're pretty well informed? what do you know about the sphinx? i have to get there. can't you help me? what? cohaagen? but isn't he often here? who is it? who are you? rekall?? all right. come in. okay -- so you're doctor george edgemar of 'rekall, inc.' so? i'm listening. sat that again. are you trying to tell me that this is all part of some. artificially injected fantasy? that i never really left earth? what is this shit you're giving me? then how the hell can you be in my dream -- if you know it's just a dream? i don't believe a word you're saying. so what's supposed to happen now? somehow that doesn't appeal to me. if this is a fantasy, there'll be no real consequences when i pull this trigger. what happens it i come out? all right. here comes the weapon. back in, quick! in! okay. answers! now! i don't know why they're after me, but what's your connection with all this? believe me, i'm really sorry i can't recall the details of that encounter. lose them? in this? (shouts over what's all this? so you two are into something a bit more serious than the taxi and truck-stop business. my god!. t-shirts. they died out on earth years ago. so where did i fit into all this? yeah. and i can't even remember it. we'll have to arrange a return bout. but - the sphinx. why is that stuck in my mind? why's it so important? it's more than that, bennie, i know it's more. somehow it's connected. how? what? where? when? what? why? wow. i can see why i was willing to betray e.i.o. yes. of course. that, too. what use is this weirdo? and you're going to help me by reading my mind? a fee! five-hundred-thousand martian dollars, that's. with today's exchange rate. that's over two million martian dollars! okay! okay! i'll pay it, but the interstellar trade practices commission might be interested in this. why did you kill him? it was the next bit i really. stands. for a moment his back is to melina and bennie. then he turns. i'm fine. only i'm not doug -- i'm charles hauser. and i know everything hauser knew. bennie, where's your depot? can you get us there? we're going to the sphinx. only everything. i've got total recall. the sphinx. it's not some useless artifact, it's a machine built by some alien race eighteen millions years ago. the same race that built the on one earth. for the same purpose. this is what we need. come on, bennie, move it. have you heard the word, "terriform"? the machine in the sphinx is tapped straight down to the molten core of this planet. there are tunnels and ducts everywhere, all powered by fusion generators. to combine elements in the martian core and release them as oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. that's right. air and water. terriforming will create a permanent livable environment for mars. no more pressurized cities, no more containers in the desert. there'll be rivers, vegetation - life - the same as earth. don't you see?! from being a pile of red dirt with minerals, mars is going to change into a chunk of priceless real estate. right! he can start selling it off to well-heeled investors from earth. beach condos, ski resorts, you name it. once word of this gets out, the whole planet will support you. ruin his little scheme by terriforming ahead of schedule - while the inhabitants are still here. i'm the only one who does. why do you think cohaagen's left me alone all this time? i was the first one inside when they cracked the riddle of the sphinx. it must've been programmed. some kind of. force. shot into me. just a way of putting me on ice. he'd of reversed it once the planet was evacuated. what he hadn't counted on was your effect on me. bennie, don't stop now, take it. i should have known, you were just too helpful. hope i've got this direction right. a shame. such a pleasant trip. this is the main tap -- straight down to the core of mars. when we trigger the mechanism, fusion reactors will detonate down there -- four hundred miles deep. the new elements will come booming up through this shaft -- and six thousand others all around the planet. mail-order company. it's a great one for fooling the wife. know how to use one of these? catch! he hurls something toward the armed men in the elevator. instinctively one of them reaches for the thrown object. it is an explosive device of some sort. quail and melina press themselves against the wall just around a corner from the elevator. there is a tremendous explosion. if you're afraid of the heights, you better get over it real quick. yes. yes. there's a vital connection missing. me. wrong, cohaagen, there's a long tunnel, a brilliant white light, hands reaching for me. you don't deserve a new world, you and people like you made too big a mess of the old one. time someone else had a chance. am i dying? that's just the start. next there'll be rain and growth and . life. rekall could never have come up with anything like this.