if you want to live, don't hand up. they've got you bugged. they're gonna find you. faster than you can say "back rodgers". and don't bother shaking down your clothes -- the monitor is embedded in your skull. take a wet towel and wrap it around your head. that will deaden the signal. it'll take longer for them to pinpoint you. there's a real old saying - "beggars can't be choosers". go and soak your head! head over to skid row -- to the lucky stub pawnshop -- corner of park avenue and fifty-eighth. tell the man you're mr. hotchkiss; you came for your grecian candlesticks. just do it! this is no time for small talk. i've been tailing you since you get back from mars. i'm e.i.o. but i was your best friend. scott stevens - we arranged this. i was your fail-safe -- if and when the shooting started. good luck. look me up if you remember me.