alright everyone, this is a stick- up! don't anybody move! now empty that safe! ooh! money. money. money. stop it! stop it, you mean old potato! quiet bo peep, or your sheep get run over! heeeeelp! baaaaa! heeeelp us! oh, no! not my sheep! somebody do something! oh, no! sheriff woody!! i'm here to stop you, one-eyed bart. doooooh! how'd you know it was me! are you gonna come quietly? you can't touch me sheriff! i brought my attack dog with a built- in force field! well i brought my dinosaur, who eats force field dogs!! aaaar! roar-roar-roar! yipe! yipe-yipe-yipe! you're goin' to jail, bart. say good-bye to the wife and tatertots. you saved the day again, woody. c'mon, let's wrangle up the cattle. score! wow! cool! oh, this looks great, mom! can we leave this up 'til we move? yeah! okay. it's party time, woody! howdy, little lady! c'mon, molly. oh, you're getting heavy! see ya later, woody. let's go to my room, guys! take that, zurg! -- and you press his back and he does a karate-chop action! oh, yeah! buzz lightyear to the rescue. to infinity and beyond! pizza planet?! oh, cool! can i bring some toys? just one? okay, mom, be right down. i've got to get buzz. mom! do you know where buzz is? but mom, i can't find him! okay. i couldn't find my buzz. i know i left him right there. can i help pump the gas? yeah?! yuk, yuk, yuk -- funny, mom. pizza planet! yeah!!! mom, can i play black hole? please, please, please?! standing with mom and molly in her stroller. oh, it's so cool. mom, have you seen woody? right here in the van. he's not here, mom. woody's gone. but what if we leave them behind? bye, house. hey! wow! woody! buzz! here! in the car! which one can i open first? oh, what is it? what is it? wow! a puppy!