buzz lightyear to star command. come in, star command. star command - come in. do you read me? why don't they answer?!! just then, buzz catches sight of his ripped packaging. the box is designed to look like a spaceship. blast! this'll take weeks to repair! buzz lightyear mission log. stardate 4072: my ship has run off course en route to sector 12. i've crash landed on a strange planet. the impact must have awoken me from hyper-sleep. terrain seems a bit unstable. no read-out yet if the air is breathable. and there seems to be no sign of intelligent life anywhere -- ho-yaaahh!!! local law enforcement! it's about time you got here. i'm buzz lightyear, space ranger, universe protection unit. my ship has crash landed here by mistake. i need to repair my turbo boosters. do you people still use fossil fuels, or have you discovered crystalic fusion? watch yourself!! halt! who goes there?! do you know these life forms? alright, everyone. you're clear to come up. i am buzz lightyear. i come in peace. why, thank you. now thank you all for your kind welcome. i'll show you. buzz lightyear to the rescue! well. no, actually i'm stationed up in the gamma quadrant of sector 4. as a member of the elite universe protection unit of the space ranger corps, i protect the galaxy from the threat of invasion from the evil emperor zurg, sworn enemy of the galactic alliance. ah, ah, ah, please be careful! you don't want to be in the way when my laser goes off. toy? excuse me, i think the word you're searching for is space ranger. excuse me. they are a terillium-carbonic alloy and i can fly. yes, i can. can! i tell you, i could fly around this room with my eyes closed! all right, then, i will. stand back everyone! to infinity and beyond!! can. why, thank you. thank you all. thank you. say there, lizard and stretchy dog. let me show you something. it looks as though i've been accepted into your culture. your chief, andy, inscribed his name on me. well, i must get back to repairing my ship. unidirectional bonding strip. what are you talking about? where's that bonding strip?! are you saying you want to lodge a complaint with star command? don't even think about it, cowboy! the air isn't toxic. how dare you open a spaceman's helmet on an uncharted planet! my eyeballs could've been sucked from their sockets! you're mocking me, aren't you? where? what's going on? i'd better take a look anyway. why is that soldier strapped to an explosive device? sure is a hairy fellah. you mean that happy child? well, then we've got to do something! i'm going to go teach that boy a lesson. be careful with that, it's extremely dangerous. i could have stopped him. trouble?! where?! then we've no time to lose!! i don't see anything! what kind of a toy -- ? i just want you to know that even though you tried to terminate me, revenge is not an idea we promote on my planet. but we're not on my planet, are we? buzz lightyear mission log. the local sheriff and i seem to be at a huge refueling station of some sort -- according to my nava-computer, the -- sheriff, this is no time to panic. my fault?! if you hadn't pushed me out of the window in the first place -- don't talk to me about importance. because of you the security of this entire universe is in jeopardy. right now, poised at the edge of the galaxy, emperor zurg has been secretly building a weapon with the destructive capacity to annihilate an entire planet. i alone have information that reveals this weapon's only weakness. and you, my friend, are responsible for delaying my rendez-vous with star command. you are a sad strange little man and you have my pity. farewell. go away. now you're sure this spacefreighter will return to its port of origin once it jettisons its food supply? well, then let's climb abroad. negative. there are no restraining harnesses in the cargo area. we'll be much safer in the cockpit. sheriff! sheriff? there you are. now the entrance is heavily guarded. we need a way to get inside. great idea, woody! i like your thinking! now! quickly, sheriff! the airlock is closing. sorry. what a space port. good work, woody. now we need to find a ship that's headed for sector 12 -- you mean it has hyperdrive? where is it? i don't see the -- spaceship. greetings! i am buzz lightyear! i come in peace! this is an intergalactic emergency! i need to commandeer your vessel to sector 12! who's in charge here? what's gotten into you, sheriff? i was -- sheriff! i can see your dwelling from here! you're almost home. i don't believe that man's ever been to medical school. they're cannibals! may day! may day! come in, star command! send reinforcements!. star command, do you copy? i've set my laser from stun to kill. are you alright? i'm proud of you, sheriff. a lesser man would have talked under such torture. still no word from star command. we're not that far from the spaceport -- woody, we don't know what's out there! shield your eyes! it's not working. i recharged it before i left. it should be good for hours -- hey!! hey! how are you doing that? stop that! woody, stop it!! another stunt like that, cowboy -- you're going to get us killed. shhh! split up! star command! it's a secret mission in uncharted space! to infinity and beyond! he is seated at the miniature table, dressed up in a frilly apron and fashionable party hat. gone! it's all go-o-one! all of it's gone. bye-bye! whoo-hoo! see ya! one minute you're defending the whole galaxy. . and suddenly you find yourself suckin' down darjeeling with marie antoinette and her little sisters. don't you get it?! you see the hat? i am mrs. nesbit!! i'm sorry. you're right. i'm just a little depressed, that's all. i can get through this. oh, i'm a sham!! look at me! i can't even fly out of a window! but -- the hat looked good. tell me the hat looked good! the apron is a bit much, it's not my color. years of academy training. wasted!! he is sitting up, his broken arm now newly-attached. i can't help. i can't help anyone. andy's house. sid's house. what's the difference. no, woody, for the first time i am thinking clearly. you were right all along. i'm not a space ranger. i'm just a toy. a stupid little insignificant toy. yeah, right. but why would andy want me? he is on top of the milkcrate, trying to push the tool box off. come on, sheriff. there's a kid over in that house who needs us. now let's get you out of this thing. woody! it's the moving van. almost woody! woody?! are you alright?! woody?! great! help me out of this thing! what?! woody?! what are you doing?! woody! thanks. woody! the van! just go! i'll catch up! come on! you can do it, woody. hold on, woody! no-o-o-o-o-o-o!! whoa-whoa-whoa! who-o-o-oa! woody! look out!! look out!! the batteries! they're running out! woody! the rocket! woody?! what are you doing? you did it! next stop. andy. not today! this isn't flying. this is falling -- with style! we're not aiming for the truck! quiet everyone, quiet! me? no, no, no, no. are you?