ages three and up. it's on my box. ages three and up! i'm not supposed to be babysitting princess drool. hey, hamm! look! i'm picasso! you uncultured swine! what are you looking at, ya hockey puck?! do we have to hold hands? of course woody ain't worried! he's been andy's favorite since kindergarten! i can't see a thing! mrs. potato head. mrs. potato head. mrs. potato head. hey, i can dream, can't i? a lunchbox?! who invited that kid?! hey, watch it! oh, ya big lizard! now we'll never know what it is! where's my ear? who's seen my ear? did you see my ear? what is it? well, that mistake is sitting in your spot, woody. only it sounds like a car ran over it. oh, really? i'm from playskool. hey, a laser! how come you don't have a laser, woody? laser-envy. gettin' kind of tense, aren't you? man, the dolls must really go for you! can you teach me that? yeah. like the attic. heh, heh. who is it this time? that ain't no happy child. he's sayin' that this was no accident. i mean humpty dumpty was pushed. . by woody. that's mr. potato head to you, you back-stabbin' murderer! couldn't handle buzz cuttin' in on your playtime, could ya woody? didn't want to face the fact that buzz just might be andy's new favorite toy, so you got rid of him. well, what if andy starts playin' with me more, woody, huh? you gonna knock me outta the window, too? let's string him up by his pull- string! psssst! huh?! huh?! i told you he was guilty. ohhh! you sunk it! are you peeking? how 'bout three out of five? son of a building block, it's woody! wait! wait! i got a better idea! how about we don't?! did you all take stupid pills this morning?! have you forgotten what he did to buzz? and now you want to let him back over here? you are a liar! he's lyin'. buzz ain't there. wait just a minute. what are you trying to pull?! murderer! you murdering dog! save it for the jury. i hope sid pulls your voice-box out, ya creep! come on. let's get out of here. will you quit moving around?! how did i get stuck with you as a moving buddy? hey! what's he doing? get him!!! toss 'im overboard! so long woody! that a boy, slink!! gee, i better shave.