sir! no sir! yes sir! alright men, you heard him. code red! repeat: we are at code red! recon plan charlie. execute! let's move move move!! there they are. come in, mother bird, this is alpha bravo. come in, mother bird. alright. andy's opening the first present now. the bow's coming off. he's ripping the wrapping paper. it's a. it's. it's a lunchbox! we've got a lunchbox, here! ok, second present. it appears to be. okay, it's bed sheets. okay, we're on the last present now. it's a big one. it's a. it's a boardgame! repeat! battleship -- battleship, the boardgame! mission accomplished. well done, men. pack it up, we're going home. wait -- turn that thing back on! come in, mother bird, come in, mother bird. mom has pulled a surprise present from the closet. andy's opening it. he's really excited about this one. it's a huge package. oh -- get out -- one of the kids is in the way, i can't see. it's. it's a -- red alert! red alert! andy is coming upstairs! juvenile intrusion! repeat! resume your positions now! where is your honor, dirtbag?! you are an absolute disgrace! you don't deserve to -- there he is, men! frag him! retreat! frankincense, this is myrrh. come in, frankincense. molly's first present i-i-is. mrs. potato head. repeat. a mrs. potato head. come in, frankincense. andy is now opening his first present -- i can't quite make out --