yessss! ah, ha, ha, ha. incoming! just stay where you are, corporal! don't move, carl. you'll blow up. i know you're tired! i know your leg is cramping, but you can't move. do you hear me? no-o-o-o-o!!! ca-a-a-a-a-arl! yes! he's gone! he's history! gotcha! a buzz lightyear! no way! yes! wha -- ? hey!! alright! double prizes! let's go home and. play. ha-ha-ha. whoa, scud! hey, boy. sit! good boy! hey, i got somethin' for ya, boy. ready, set, now. hannah! hey, hannah!!! did i get my package in the mail? whaddaya mean, you don't know? oh no, hannah! look! janie! she's sick! i'll have to perform one of my. operations! oh, no. we have a sick patient here, nurse. prepare the o.r., stat! patient is. . pre-e-epped. no one's ever attempted a double bypass brain transplant before. now for the tricky part -- pliers! doctor, you've done it! hannah? janie's all better now. she's lying! whatever she says it's not true! oh, a survivor. where is the rebel base? talk! i can see your will is strong. well, we have ways of making you talk. where are your rebel friends now? heh, heh. alright!! not now, mom, i'm busy! it came! it finally came! the big one. "extremely dangerous. keep out of reach of children." cool. what am i gonna blow? man. hey, where's that wimpy cowboy doll? yes! i've always wanted to put a spaceman into orbit. ha-ha. oh, no. aw, man! sid phillips reporting. launch of the shuttle has been delayed due to adverse weather conditions at the launch site. tomorrow's forecast. sunny. ha-ha-ha. sweet dreams. i wanna ride the pony. oh, yeah! time for lift-off! to infinity and beyond!! houston to mission control. come in, control. launch pad is being constructed! heh-heh. hey, mom?! where are the matches? oh, oh, wait, here they are. nevermind. houston, all systems are go. requesting permission to launch -- hey! how'd you get out here? oh, well, you and i can have a cookout later. ha-ha-ha. houston, do we have permission to launch? -- uh, roger, permission granted. you are confirmed at t minus 10 seconds. and counting. ten! nine! eight! seven! six! five! four! three! two!. one!. huh? what?! it's busted. w-w-w-we? aaaaaaagggggghhhhhh!!!!! the toys! the toys are alive! n-n-nice dolly.