right here, woody! i'm red this time. oh. well alright, you can be red if you want. bad news?! got it. got a staff meeting, you guys, come on, let's go! come on, come on! smaller toys up front. hey, woody! c'mon! hey, hey! come on, potato head! if woody says it's all right, then, well, darnit, it's good enough for me. woody has never steered us wrong before. wait! there's a nice little one over there! a good soldier never leaves a man behind. for lunch. heh heh heh. i knew you were right all along, woody. never doubted you for a second. what the heck is up there? woody, what are you doing under the bed? hey, woody's got something like that. his is a pullstring, only it -- heh, heh, heh! golly bob howdy -- it's sid! i don't see him in the driveway! i think he bounced into sid's yard. we believe you, woody. right, rex? it's too short! we need more monkeys! woody?! i knew you'd come back, woody! i got it, woody! hey?!! see? it is buzz. now give back the lights, potato head. woody?! how'd you -- what have we done?! quick! hold on to my tail! woody!! woody! speed up! whoa! whoa! whoa! i can't hold on much longer! i shoulda held on longer.