reach for the sky. you're my favorite deputy. somebody's poisoned the waterhole. pull my string! the birthday party's today?! okay, everybody. coast is clear. uh, hey sarge, have you seen slinky? okay, thank you. at ease. hey, slinky? no, slink -- not now, slink. i've got some bad news. sh-h-h-h-h!! just gather everyone up for a staff meeting and be happy!! be happy! staff meeting, everybody. snake, robot -- podium duty. hey etch! draw! oh!! you got me again, etch! you've been working on that draw. fastest knobs in the west. now where is that -- ? aw, hey, who moved my doodle pad way over here? oh, how ya doin', rex? i was close to being scared that time. aach! -- oh, hi, bo. oh, hey - it was nothing. heh, heh. oh yeah, uh, i. oh, thanks, mike. okay -- oh, whoa, step back -- hello? check? better? great. everybody hear me? up on the shelf, can you hear me? great! okay, first item today. oh, yeah. has everyone picked a moving buddy? oh, yeah, you guys think this is a big joke. we've only got one week left before the move. i don't want any toys left behind. a moving buddy -- if you don't have one, get one! alright, next. uh. oh, yes. tuesday night's "plastic corrosion awareness" meeting was, i think, a big success and we want to thank mr. spell for putting that on for us. thank you, mr. spell. ok, uh. oh yes. one minor note here. andy's birthday party's been moved to today. next we have -- well, obviously she wanted to have the party before the move. i'm not worried. you shouldn't be worried. c'mon, guys! every christmas and birthday we go through this. hey, listen, no one's getting replaced. this is andy we're talking about. it doesn't matter how much we're played with. what matters is that we're here for andy when he needs us. that's what we're made for. right? everyone is now looking down, sheepish. stay calm, everyone!! uh, meeting adjourned. alright! alright! if i send out the troops, will you all calm down? okay, save your batteries! sargent. establish a recon post downstairs. code red. you know what to do. and this -- -- is how we find out what is in those presents. hey, these guys are professionals. they're the best. c'mon, they're not lying down on the job. this is it! this is it! quiet, quiet, quiet! a lunchbox?! last present! so did i tell ya? huh? nothing to worry about. no, no! turn 'em around, turn 'em around! plus is positive, minus is negative! oh, let me! there. andy's coming, everybody! back to your places. hurry! uh-h-h-h. nothing! uh, nothing. i'm sure andy was just a little excited, that's all. too much cake and ice cream, i suppose. it's just a mistake. hey! what did i tell you earlier? no one is getting replaced. now let's all be polite, and give whatever it is up there a nice, big "andy's room" welcome. hello-o-o. aaaaaaah! whoa, hey, whoa, did i frighten you? didn't mean to. sorry. howdy! my name is woody and this is andy's room. that's all i wanted to say, and also, there has been a bit of a mix-up. this is my spot, see, the bed here -- yes, it is a mistake, because, you see, the bed, here, is my spot. well, let's see, we've got double a's -- yes. they're andy's toys. you'd think they've never seen a new toy before. it's not a laser! it's a little lightbulb that blinks! all right, that's enough. look, we're all very impressed with andy's new toy -- t-o-y. toy. the word i'm searching for i can't say because there's pre-school toys present. he's not a space ranger! he doesn't fight evil or shoot lasers or fly -- oh, what?!. what?! these are plastic. he can't fly! no, you can't. you can't! can't! can't! can't! okay then, mr. lightbeer! prove it. that wasn't flying! that was falling with style! oh, shut up! in a couple of days, everything will be just the way it was. they'll see. they'll see. i'm still andy's favorite toy. finally! hey! who's got my hat? ah-hah! ah-hah-hah! give me that! uh, let what? i don't -- uh, what do you mean? who? alright! that's it! listen, lightsnack, you stay away from andy. he's mine, and no one is taking him away from me. and another thing. stop with this spaceman thing. it's getting on my nerves. oh okay, so you want to do it the hard way, huh? oh, yeah, tough guy?! you actually think you're the "buzz lightyear?" oh, all this time i thought it was an act! hey, guys! look! it's the real buzz lightyear! oh, no, no, no. buzz, look! an alien! uh-oh. i can't tell. hey, where's lenny? oh, no. it's a combat carl. nothing that concerns you spacemen. just us toys. that's why. sid. no! no, that's scud, you idiot! that is sid! yeah, sure. you go ahead. melt him with your scary laser. buzz, i would love to see you try. 'course i'd love to see you as a crater. one toy? will andy pick me? don't count on it?!! doh-h-h-h! buzz!! oh, buzz, buzz lightyear!! buzz lightyear, thank goodness! we've got trouble! down there. just down there. a helpless toy. it's. it's trapped, buzz! oh, he's there. just, just keep looking. buzz!!! wait a minute. you -- you don't think i meant to knock buzz out the window, do you potato head? now, it was an accident! guys, c'mon now, you. you gotta believe me no, no, no, no! wait! wait i can explain everything -- oh, great. how am i gonna convince those guys it was an accident? buzz! buzz! you're alive! this is great! oh, i'm saved! i'm saved! andy'll find you here, he'll take us back to the room, and then you can tell everyone that this was all just a big mistake. huh? right? buddy? oh. oh, that's good. no. ok! come on! you want a piece of me?! owwwww!!! doesn't he realize that i'm not there? i'm lost! oh, i'm a lost toy! you! shut up! just shut up, you idiot!! this is the perfect time to panic! i'm lost, andy is gone, they're going to move from their house in two days and it's all your fault!! oh, yeah? well, if you hadn't shown up in your stupid little cardboard spaceship and taken away everything that was important to me -- what?!! what are you talking about?! you are a toy!!! you aren't the real buzz lightyear, you're an action figure!! you are a child's plaything!!! oh, yeah? well, good riddance, ya looney! rendez-vous with star command. pizza planet. andy! oh, no! i can't show my face in that room without buzz. buzz! buzz, come back! no, buzz, you've gotta come back. i found a spaceship! it's a spaceship, buzz! uh-huh. and when we get there, we'll be able to find a way to transport you. home. no, no, no, wait, buzz, buzz, let's get in the back. no one will see us there. yeah, but, buzz! buzz! buzz! it'll be safer in the cockpit than the cargo bay. what an idiot! ow! watch where you're going! andy! wait a minute! no buzz! this way! there's a special ship. i just saw it! hyper-active hyperdrive, and astro. uh, turf. c'mon, c'mon, that's it. alright buzz, get ready. okay, buzz, when i say "go," we're gonna jump in the basket -- buzz! dooh! no! this cannot be happening to me!! this is ludicrous. oh, no! sid!!! get down!! you are the one that decided to climb into this -- hey! what are you doing? stop it, you -- ! stop it, you zealots! will you be quiet?!! you guys don't get it, do you? once we go into sid's house, we won't be coming out. freeze!!! not sid's room. not there. we are gonna die. i'm outta here! locked! there's gotta be another way out of here. uh. buzz? was that you? hey! hi, there, little fellah! come out here. do you know a way out of here? b-b-b-buzz! oh, great, great. yeah, and if anyone attacks us we can blink 'em to death. i sure hope this isn't permanent. the door! it's open! we're free!! i'll tell you what's -- aaaah! they're gonna eat us, buzz!! do something! quick! oh, you idiot! you're a toy! use your karate chop action! get away! hoo-cha! hoo-cha! back! back, you savages! back! sorry guys, but dinner's canceled! there's no place like home. there's no place like home. there's no place like home. don't tell me what to do! yeeeeeee-haaaaaaa!! giddy-up partner!. we got to get this wagon train a movin'! you are a toy! you can't fly! oo-o-of! buzz?! the coast is clear. buzz? where are you? buzz it's a secret mission in uncharted space! let's go!! buzz! oh, no! hannah! oh, hannah! buzz! hey, buzz! are you okay? what happened to you? i think you've had enough tea for today. let's get you out of here, buzz. snap out of it, buzz! sh-h-h-h-h!! quiet, buzz. out the window. buzz, you're a genius! come on, this way! hey guys! guys! hey! hi! we're gonna get outta here, buzz -- buzz? boy, am i glad to see you guys! it's a long story, bo. i'll explain later. here, catch this! good going, slink! now, just, just tie it on to something! no, no, no! you got it all wrong, potato head. buzz is fine! buzz is right here. he's with me! no, i'm not! buzz, come over here and you just tell the nice toys that you're not dead. just a sec. buzz! will you get up here and give me a hand?! ha ha. that's very funny, buzz. this is serious!! oh, hi buzz! why don't you say "hello" to the guys over there? hi ya, fellas. to infinity and beyond! yeah, hey buzz. let's show the guys our new secret best-friends hand shake. gimme five, man! so, you see? we're friends now, guys. aren't we, buzz? you bet. gimme a hug. ha, ha, oh, i love you, too. nothing. no! no, no, no, no! no, it's not what you think, i swear! no! no! don't leave! don't leave! you've gotta help us, please! you don't know what it's like over here! come back! slink! slink, please! please! listen to me! no! no! come back! sli-i-i-inkyyy!! buzz!! go away, you disgusting freaks! alright back! back, you cannibals! he is still alive, and you're not gonna get him, you monsters! hey?! hey, they fixed you! but -- but they're cannibals. we saw them eat those other toys. uh. sorry. i. i thought that you were gonna. . you know, eat my friend. hey! no, no, wait! hey! what's wrong? sid!!! buzz! c'mon, get up! buzz, you're. fine. let sid trash you. but don't blame me. ps-s-s-s-t! psst! hey, buzz! hey! get over here and see if you can get this tool box off me. oh, come on, buzz. i. buzz, i can't do this without you. i need your help. why, sure you can, buzz. you can get me out of here and then i'll get that rocket off you, and we'll make a break for andy's house. oh, buzz, you've had a big fall. you must not be thinking clearly. whoa, hey -- wait a minute. being a toy is a lot better than being a space ranger. no, it is. look, over in that house is a kid who thinks you are the greatest, and it's not because you're a space ranger, pal, it's because you're a toy! you are his toy. why would andy want you?! look at you! you're a buzz lightyear. any other toy would give up his moving parts just to be you. you've got wings, you glow in the dark, you talk, your helmet does that -- that whoosh thing -- you are a cool toy. as a matter of fact you're too cool. i mean -- i mean what chance does a toy like me have against a buzz lightyear action figure? all i can do is. there's a snake in my boots! why would andy ever want to play with me, when he's got you? i'm the one that should be strapped to that rocket. listen buzz, forget about me. you should get out of here while you can. buzz!! what are you doing? i thought you were -- yes sir! come on, buzz! we can do it! we've got to get out of here. now. c'mon, buzz. alright. buzz! hey! i'm out! no, i'm fine. i'm okay. aaah! back! back! down! down! okay, what do i do? come on woody, think! guys! no, no, no! wait! wait! listen! please! there's a good toy down there and he's -- he's going to be blown to bits in a few minutes all because of me. i've gotta save him! -- but i need your help. please. he's my friend. he's the only one i've got. thank you. okay. i think i know what to do. we're going to have to break a few rules, but if it works, it'll help everybody. all right, listen up. i need pump boy here -- ducky here. legs? you're with ducky. rollerbob and i don't move till we get the signal. clear? okay, let's move! wind the frog! wait for the signal. go!! alright, let's go. lean back! let's go! shhhhhhh! it's ok. everything's under control. reach for the sky!! this town ain't big enough for the two of us! somebody's poisoned the water hole. who are you callin' busted, buster?! that's right. i'm talking to you, sid phillips. we don't like being blown up, sid, or smashed, or ripped apart. that's right. your toys. from now on, you must take good care of your toys. because if you don't, we'll find out, sid. we toys can see. everything. so play nice. nice work, fellahs. good job. comin' out of the ground -- what a touch! that was a stroke of genius. we gotta run! thanks, guys. quick! whew, i made it! aaaaaahh!! get away, you stupid dog! down! down! i can't do it! take care of andy for me! buzz! ah-hah! there you are!! ah-h!! ah-h! no, no! no, no, no! wait! whoa-whoa-whoa! no wait! you don't understand! buzz is out there! we've gotta help him!! no, no, no, wait! well, thanks for the ride. now let's catch up to that truck! we're almost there. speed up! slink! hang on! great! the match! yes! thank you, sid! no-o-o! no-no-no-no! no-o-o! hold still, buzz! ha-ha!! wait a minute. i just lit a rocket. rockets explo -- ahhh!! this is the part where we blow up! ah-h-h-h-h!! hey, buzz!! you're flying!! ha ha!! to infinity and beyond!! uh, buzz?! we missed the truck! whoooooah! oh! bo! there's gotta be a less painful way to get my attention. say, isn't that mistletoe? buzz. buzz lightyear. you are not worried, are you? now buzz, what could andy possibly get that is worse than you?!