no telltales. nothing to read. not touching my face. not even blinking. no giveaways. how're you feeling? no more pissant basin league bullshit for us, hunh? limbering up, gonna stay loose, keep it all together. take this motherfucker down. showtime. good afternoon, ladies, gentlemen. we're looking for eduardo ruiz. we have a two o'clock appointment. hey, you want to hear a joke? i got a joke. why do women wear makeup and perfume? it's a funny fuckin' joke and it's quick. why do women wear makeup and perfume? 'cause they're ugly and they stink. agent down. repeat, agent down. move 'em to texas, fry 'em up. who do you work for? who do you work for? they're whispering. i can't hear them, but i know it. i smell conspiracy. i feel the lie vibrating out of the home. i have dreams about this, actual dreams about busting the top people, the rich people, the white people. she knows arnie metzger. you want to make a wager on this? maradona is a cokehead. hand of god, my ass. we're wasting our time here. winners don't do coke. or haven't you been reading the bumper stickers? i love my job. i love it. the next time i'm having a bad day you gotta remind me of right now and i'll get over it. you'd think he wasn't sitting here facing life in prison. i don't know. she's your girlfriend. open it, talk about your kids. you want to ask us a favor? it's probably poisoned. eddie, how you like your new home? i hope you hate it as much as i do. remember when we sat on that mob guy, that chef, for like six months? yeah, like turning into a beautiful woman. stay here. i'll get the car.