i want to intercept cell phone calls, digital and analog. and locate the source of the call. i need databasing capability, to cross-reference calls and numbers. assassin. my father is rich. he'll pay you. in my home i have b&w speakers. i recently purchased a compact disc burner. i can make my own cd's, with whatever music i like, as if i bought them at the store, only i don't have to pay these crazy prices. i got into stereo equipment when i was a kid. some people don't notice the difference but it is very important to me. i can't go home. i don't want to go. please don't make me. i'll be killed. who is this? yes. you may speak. i love this place. don't turn around. you were followed by the police, but they won't hear us over the children. i want to use a bomb. i don't really like guns. you shoot someone in the head three times and some doctor will keep them alive. i don't know. eduardo ruiz is the only real witness against carl. the security is very tight. there may not be a way. careful. you're sounding like your husband, mrs. ayala. they're not getting into the car. what are they doing? they're walking right at me. they're going to walk right past me.