mr. rodman. it's too bad your client didn't show as much sense in choosing what he planted as he did in choosing his attorney. lately the only variation i'm hearing in your argument is the name of the client. and you can sit there all day arguing the ins and outs of illinois v. gates, but you aren't going to convince me that this country has not sanctioned the use of anonymous informants. furthermore, there is no sacred protection of property rights in the united sates. when you make the decision to have marijuana on your farm, whether it's one joint or an acre of plants, your property can be seized and your property can be sold. mr. rodman, may i offer a piece of advice? the next time you argue this point before this court, regardless of my whereabouts, i recommend you have something up your sleeve other than your arm. depends who it's from. you can learn a lot about somebody from this stuff. three categories: you like me, you hate me, you want something from me. definitely third category. depends on the state. medicinal marijuana initiative. or am i being cynical? not by me. in the hotel rooms, making the same motions. satisfied, he straightens, then turns to look at himself. i'll be sure to let you know. like you protected landry? you've done a fine job here, sir. the office of national drug control policy is in better shape than when you found it. there are a lot of encouraging statistics. the work's just started, but i intend to see it through. you've got my word on that. i've come in to do a tough job and that's what i'm going to focus on. that's very interesting. like you. you're looking pretty good for an old guy. which part, getting terrorists loose on bail or freeing convicted murderers on technicalities? michael, you represent drug dealers, not civil libertarians. noriega is a criminal. last i read your clients were chopping people up with chainsaws and delivering illegal narcotics into this country. if i ever return to the bench, counselor adler, i hope i have the pleasure of hearing your arguments. what's it like? imagine you're being accosted by a swarm of beggars in the heart of calcutta, except the beggars are wearing $1500 suits and they don't say "please" or "thank you." fine -- legalization. okay, forgetting all of our international trade agreements, legalize everything today. the government inserts itself into all drug transactions. the u.s. becomes a giant pharmacy. our borders are mobbed, lines of people from here to europe wanting to smoke, snort and shoot themselves into oblivion. drugs begin pouring out of america into every other country in the world. canada is completely overwhelmed. somehow, i don't see that happening. that's frustrating. as it happens, the president of the united states, my new boss, the leader of the free world, has me penciled in for some "face time". i don't know. it's a presidential appointment so. until i quit or get fired. caroline? how well did you know this boy who overdosed? okay, honey. we understand. you're mother and i have to talk. i think she's lying. we'll ground her, clip her wings a bit. school and scheduled activities and that's it until further notice. this has to be handled delicately. dan kelly, in the district attorney's office, will probably help us out, quietly. christ, this could be embarrassing. stop. you experimented in college. i don't want to hear about that. this is different. to begin with, she's only sixteen years-old. space for what? to o.d. like that other kid? i will not send the message that this type of behavior is okay with her parents. because it isn't. correct? how long have you known about this? how long have you known? explain to me how you could think that i shouldn't know about this. explain to me how this wouldn't be relevant to me. as a parent. i appreciate you coming in so early. still, this was a sensitive issue for me and i wanted to thank you personally. i don't know what you mean. i. i don't really know. no, of course not. she's one of the top students at her school. it's robert. wipe your schedule clean for the next three days. i'm tired of talking to experts who never set foot outside the beltway. it's time to see the front lines. any idea how much? what do you look for? any way we can do it better? that triple the amount of stuff is going through. who are these guys? he died in a liposuction surgery, right? who do we interface with on their side? i mean, who runs interdiction on the mexico side? i want everyone thinking out the box for a second. what are we gonna do about mexico? come on, guys. out of the box. unlimited. come on. i want to hear from everyone: fbi. customs. treatment. is there anyone from treatment on this plane? then i want an answer for why there isn't anyone from treatment. look, we know we have to bust one of these cartels, juarez or tijuana, not just as a symbol, but hell yes, also as a symbol - they are symbols - and there's nothing wrong with sending a message. that's why when carlos ayala hired michael adler lead defense, i flew ben williams to san diego to prosecute. because he's the best we have, he's our symbol that we're serious about putting the top people away. so, as of right now, this flight only, consider the dam on new ideas thrown open. if i'm not mistaken, we got dea, pentagon, u.s. attorneys office, about a billion dollars of budget right here. so what are you people waiting for? i think we may have found our mexican drug czar. it's this general, salazar. at least i'll have somebody on the other side i can talk to. possibly. barbara -- the first thing we have to do is present a unified front. look, i'm as worried as you are -- yeah, well, she has a way of self- medicating that probably seems familiar, too. i have a drink before dinner to take the edge off my day. that's different. yeah, because the alternative is to be bored to death. caroline. open this door immediately. you're not going anywhere, young lady. where is it? where are the drugs? where are they? fuck me? oh, okay. fuck me. fuck you. i'm going to ask you one time to tell me the truth so that i can help you. okay, young lady, that's it. what is wrong with you? what? you're going away. you're getting help somewhere. oh, yes i can. i'd like to bring you up to washington, walk you around our side of things, and share some of the information we've been able to develop on your cartels. you've been making very good progress against the tijuana cartel. hopefully the exchange of training methods and information between our countries will help with this problem. let me ask you a related question. we've talked about the supply side, but what about demand? what is your policy for treating addiction? nobody saw her leave? yes. i understand. i have to go. i have to go home. no, not yet. she snuck away. and we haven't seen her. she hasn't come home. she hasn't called you? can you tell me anything? do you have any ideas? i'm not the police. i don't care about experimentation. she's a kid. i'm worried to death. i don't give a fuck about your parents -- what? you don't know what the hell you're talking about. you're a cocky seventeen year-old and you don't have a clue what the stakes are. you don't know the value of the life you've yet to throw away. and neither does she. what do you mean, what do i want? i don't want anything. you want to help? stay the fuck away from her. i'm looking for my daughter. about the other night, i'm sorry. god, i don't get it. are we supposed to say to ourselves, be prepared to lose her, be prepared to lose our child? why does this happen to someone? how does it happen? hello. no, it's all right. what? i thought madrigal was dead. i thought it was verified. i'll get there as soon as i can. i have to call you back. so's the video camera. she'll be at a pawn shop in an hour. seth has to be excused. he's going on a field trip. i can't believe you used to bring my daughter here, to this place. you're starting to piss me off. get out of the car. i'm looking for my daughter, caroline. she comes here. i need to find my daughter. i'll pay you. i have money -- i'll pay you a thousand dollars. i have it in my wallet. just tell me where she is. how was she? the cocaine brand, 911, is an east coast brand, a juarez cartel brand, and you must know it usually comes through into el paso? so what's it doing in tijuana? let me ask you a hypothetical question: if salazar worked for madrigal and the juaraz cartel, and he went out of power, would it mean the juarez cartel is losing influence? that would probably mean the tijuana cartel is gaining power? is it possible to have a drug czar in mexico who isn't connected in some war to one of the cartels? the war on drugs is a war on our nation's most precious resource. our children. sixty-eight million children have been targeted by those who perpetrate this war and protecting those children must be priority number one. there has been progress and there have been failures, but where we have fallen short i see not a problem but an opportunity. an opportunity to correct the mistakes of the past while laying a solid foundation for the future. this takes not only new ideas, but perseverance. this takes not only resources, but courage. this takes not only government, but families. i've. i've outlined a ten-point plan, representing a new bilateral effort. i can't do this. if there is a war on drugs then our own families have become the enemy. how can you wage war on your own family? my name is robert. this is my wife, barbara. we're caroline's parents. we're just hear to listen.