what's your name? well, javier rodriguez, you've done a very good job, but we'll take care of it from here. we've been following these narco- trafficantes for some time but had not been able to bring them to justice. put the prisoners in the car. impound the truck. one question. how did you find about this? what is the name of your informant? for a state police officer, you're very well informed. let's go. javier rodriguez. twenty-nine years- old. graduated from montessori school. five years as a beat cop in tj. three years with the state police. parents died four years ago in their apartment from carbon monoxide poisoning because they could not afford to fix their gas heater. your sister works in a maquiladora in juarez, making designer blue-jeans. on the police force three years, you currently make 316 dollars a month. that's your past. i want to talk about your future. would you be willing to do something for me? i'm trying to bust the tijuana cartel. a small thing. nothing really. only if he can be trusted. his name is francisco flores. he is a killer and gun smuggler for the tijuana cartel. i need to speak with him. i need you to find him and bring him to me so that i can speak with him. i'm curious how you did this with such economy. you watch and learn. i earn his trust. then more pain. then i appear with kindness. within a week he will follow me around like a dog. when he loves me like a father, he will never tell anyone he was here. he will freely give the names of his superiors. then we get them and they too will give us names. and eventually somebody will get us to juan obregon and the cartel will fall. this is shameful. a disgrace. francisco flores -- it's all right, son. it's all right. salazar is here. you're among gentlemen, now. this shameful treatment will stop immediately. guard! i want to know who is responsible for this treatment. we aren't barbarians. bring this man a change of good clothes. has he eaten? you will dine with me from now on. we have much in common. we both attended school in the united states, and both of our fathers are engineers. of course it is. have some more wine. now, francisco, my friend. i must know where these men are who killed my captains. not where they were last week, but where they are today, and better still, tomorrow. you are clever. you can predict where they will be, can't you? i recruited the best men in mexico for my task force and put them through a rigorous screening process. not only physical, but also psychological. that would be very helpful to me. also, i received the offer from dea and the fbi to train some of my men at quantico. i think this will be extremely useful, a good way for us to absorb some of your methods. i've been too busy to completely settle in. yes, i am confident that juan obregon will be taken into custody before the end of the year. but, you must understand that it is very difficult because of corruption in the police force. we get a tip that he is one place, then we get there and he is already gone, having been warned by someone on our side. yes, i hope so as well. addicts treat themselves. they overdose and then there's one less to worry about.