i just want to be clear about one thing. i used to work for him, but now i work for you. i'm not a partisan person, i'm an issue person. in the next few weeks, if you allow me, we'll get you well-versed on an incredible array of issues. the most important of which, in my opinion, being mexico. i know everybody that you're gonna meet. it's important that they like you. it's not important that they like me. that's why i can help protect you. i see where you're going with that, but if i could just say something, which is basically that a guy like landry is so autocratic he doesn't know how to let himself be helped; it's a point of pride to take every bullet, no matter who fired it, or whether it was even aimed at him, which personally i think it very self-defeating. now, don't get me wrong, he's a man of enormous integrity, but there's a political component to this job that the general just didn't have any patience for. i'm sorry. did i wake you? salazar's been taken down. he was working for porfirio madrigal. apparently not. look, it's a shit storm here right now. when are you coming back? i don't know what to tell people any more. if we're moving the press conference, we need to do it now. are you all right?