no way would i poison my body with that shite, all they fucking chemicals, no fucking way. all right. nobody move. the girl got glassed and no cunt leaves here until we find out which cunt did it. and remember, rents: no skag. it was fucking obvious that that cunt was going to fuck some cunt. clean up your act, sunshine. cut that shite out for ever. fucking right i am. see, inside, you wouldn't last two fucking days. but he pulled it off, clever bastard, and he got a result. it's no our fault. your boy went down because he was fucking smack-head and if that's not your fault, i don't know what is. well, this is a good laugh, you fucking useless bastard. go on, sweat that shite out of your system, because if i come back and it's still there, i'll fucking kick it out. armed robbery? with a replica? how can it be armed robbery? it's a fucking scandal. too right it is. now look, have you got anything to eat, 'cos i'm fucking lee marvin, by the way. i've no fucking cigarettes. hey, i'm wanting a bet put on. i'm a fugitive from the law. i can't be seen on the fucking streets. now watch my lips. kempton park. two-thirty. five pounds to win. bad boy. i'm no a fucking buftie and that's the end of it. now, listen to me, you little piece of junky shit. a joke's a fucking joke, but you mention that again and i'll cut you up. understand? no. on you go. yeah. yes, you fucking do. i've seen your statement. two thousand, one hundred and thirty-three pounds. if everyone keeps their mouth shut, there'll be no one going to jail. did you bring the cards? the cards. the last thing i said to you was mind the cards. it's fucking boring after a while without the cards. it's fucking boring after a while without the cards. bit fucking late, like. because i fucking told you to do that, you doss cunt. we didn't get followed. twenty thousand. ninteen. for four fucking grand? one plam tree, a couple of rocks, and a sewage outflow. shag her senseless. you daft cunt. if you're going to waste it like that, you might as well leave it all to me. now get the drinks in. ok. same again? you'll never catch us, you flabby bastard. right, see, when i come back -- i'd fucking kill you. for fuck's sake. all down my fucking front, you fucking idiot. sorry's no going to dry me off, you cunt. not sorry enough for being a fat cunt. shut you mouth or you'll be next. you were in my way.