are you serious? well, it's up to you. sure, sure. i've heard it before. yeah, well, it surely worked for him. he knows a lot about sean connery. you'll need one more hit. to see you through the night that lies ahead. your favourite dish. your usual table, sir? and would sir care to settle his bill in advance? regret to inform, sir, that your credit limit was reached and breached a long time ago. oh, hard currency, why, sir, that'll do nicely. as you wish. perhaps sir would like me to call for a taxi? surprise! pa-pah! and see when i get out of here. i've got plans. going to get myself straightened out and head off to thailand, where women really know how to treat a guy. see, out there you can live like a king if you've got white skin and a few crisp tenners in your pocket. no fucking problem. the strategy is this: get clean, get mobile, get into dealing, and this time next year i'll be watching the rising sun with a posse of oriental buttocks parked on my coupon. yeah. sure will, pal, sure will.