it's a waste of your life, rents, poisoning your body with that shite. well, sure it was wednesday morning, we were in the volley playing pool, that much is true. how's it going with gail? how long is it? six weeks! where did she come up with that? six weeks and no sex? useless motherfucker, that's what she called me. i told her, i'm sorry, but theses things happen. let's put it behind us. yes, but then she finds out i've bought a ticket for iggy pop the same night. big time. absolutely fucking radge. 'it's me or iggy pop, time to decide.' well, i've paid for the ticket. now? fuck, ok. it'll be here somewhere. i might have returned it by mistake. it will be. it'll make a change for three miserable junkies who don't know what they want to do with themselves since they stopped doing smack. such as? we go for a walk. a walk. there. well, what are you waiting for? it's the great outdoors. it's fresh air. doesn't it make you proud to be scottish? lizzy's gone, mark, she's gone and fucking dumped me. it was the video tape and that iggy pop business and all sorts of other stuff. she told me where to go and no mistake. i said, is there any chance of getting back together, like, but no way, no fucking way. i want to try it, mark. you're always going on about how it's the ultimate hit and that. better than sex. come on, i'm a fucking adult. i want to find out for myself. better than sex, rents, better than sex. the ultimate hit. i'm a fucking adult. i'll find out for myself. well, i've found out all right. no. no. you take the test? clear? that's nice. have you got any gear on you? well, sub us, then, mate. i'm expecting a rent cheque.