a hideous transformation is beginning. the surface of the planet in front of galvatron opens up, and we see that the hideous light comes from eyes set on a hideous head! he looks down on the swarm of fighters and. . breathes fire down on them. the fighters pop and burn like popcorn in a blowtorch. in moments they disappear like sparks from a fire. the monster lets out a roar! then, reaches down, picks up galvatron and drops him into his mouth like a raisin. suddenly; he looks down, sending down a searing blast of fire. suddenly, he starts tearing into his body. an arm and a leg dangle uselessly as the autobot essence spreads throughout the body, blowing circuits. suddenly, unicron lets out a loud agonized roar. sparks seem to shoot out of every part of his body. then, he spins in space like some kind of a fireworks display, shooting off sparks. and then.