hot rod speeds up, passes kup and. . rides up and over kickback's back, using it like a stunt driver's ramp to. suddenly it is pulled deep into unicron. as decepticon fireball comes up and splatters against window, sending tongues of fire running across the glass behind hot rod's head including ultra magnus' shuttle through side port as springer gives thumbs up signal in return and daniel waves crushing the area between hot rod and kup. hot rod's shot plinks off a couple of tentacles, but the squid keeps coming. as junkion rides over to her, starts belting her with junk sword on hot rod, his hands, nearly dead, spring to life for a moment and grasp the matrix which hangs from galvatron's chest. a miraculous transformation takes place. . hot rod begins to grow at an alarming rate. . age shows on his face. . he is stronger and wiser.