i was afraid you'd be trapped outside the city walls. then you probably didn't understand the situation. before hot rod can react, kup steps back from repositioned catapult hot rod! the decepticons are retreating. stay close to me, daniel. no, you'd better stay close to me. blurr is trying to get grimlock into shuttle with the rest of the dinobots as decepticon fire comes in all around. grimlock is like a "spooked horse" refusing to be shut in the barn. did we have to detonate three- quarters of the ship?! as she steps forward with a smile, a strange grid like "suit" in her hand i think daniel can make himself useful with. this! it used to be spike's. here, try it on. for the first time out, you were great! they're indestructible! didn't you hear ultra magnus. we don't have it anymore. galvatron does. quick! this way. daniel! daniel. try to find help! arcee fires.