lookout and shout! yow! explosions rock the crows nest. blaster swivels around and tilts to see. activates turret type laser cannon gonna lay some slugs on those overweight bugs! perceptor joins him. i'm talkin' hits here, autobuddies! hits with a capital "aitch" like in hard, heavy and. hey, perceptor, what's shakin' other than this fortress? alright! cover your receptors, perceptor! blaster transforms to ghetto blaster mode and broadcasts visible waves. optimus prime. do you read me? the decepticons are blitzing autobot city. we're really takin' a pounding. don't know how much longer we can hold out. we got cassette critters knockin' on the window! no way. two can play! sic 'em! let's hope so! cause if i didn't we're gonna look like burnt out toaster ovens! he reacts to muffled transmission from jazz. i'm pickin' up a faint signal! blaster transforms to blaster mode and jazz's voice is broadcast loud and clear causing springer, arcee, and daniel to react