long live galvatron! to cybertron! i will rip open autobot after autobot until it is yours, unicron. coronation? this is bad comedy! here's a clue! he transforms back to robot mode and confronts other decepticons boastfully. will anyone else attempt to fill his shoes? galvatron. how dare unicron?! cybertron and all it's moons are mine! i. will obey, unicron! decepticons, to earth! the torture stops and galvatron clutches his throat and tries to regain his composure as we. there is no escape. i, galvatron will crush you just as the magnificent megatron crushed prime! aaaaaaaah! autobot cur!! there are plenty of autobots for you. ultra magnus is mine! damn it!! they did the same thing to me off beta four! excellent. and soon we shall say the same of that infernal unicron. suddenly, galvatron's body begins to twist, and he writhes in pain. aaaah! take me to unicron. aaaah! why do you torture me?! no, unicron. ultra magnus is dead. destroyed, with him. flies up to a ridge in advance of his forces, motioning to them to split off and follow. sweeps, quarter him! unicron, my "master," with this i shall make you my slave! listen to me, or suffer the consequences. i now possess that which you most fear. unicron laughs and the force of it rocks the surface of the planet, knocking galvatron to his knees. you will do my bidding, or. unicron roars with laughter. taste my wrath. no!!! galvatron stop feeding him, you fools! it will do you no good, autobot. it cannot be opened. it is strange that we should find ourselves as allies. uhhhh. of course, my master! puny autobot, you lack even prime's courage. there is no response. come out, autobot. we all must die sometime. stumbles backward. no, i will crush you with bare hands. hot rod transforms back to car and tries to race away. . galvatron jumps after him and catches him. . hot rod, nearly pinned by galvatron transforms to humanoid mode. first prime, then ultra magnus and now you. it is a pity autobots die so easily or i might have a sense of satisfaction now. hot rod desperately gasps and pulls at galvatron's hands. die! nooooooo!