uhhhh! me grimlock love challenge! dinobots, transform! me, grimlock, not "nice dino!" me bash brains! he gives fire breathing blast at jets as they go by strafing the me, grimlock, love kup's war stories! tell grimlock about petro-rabbits again. groooooowwwwwrrrr! me, grimlock, know all about wipers! want to hear good part of story! yes, me, grimlock, noble! me, grimlock search for friends. autobots. hot rod and kup. yes. you know friends. where are they? grimlock you good friend to grimlock. i reward you, sometime. me grimlock, positive hot rod and kup close! get thump, thump, thump. me, grimlock, say you full of cesium salami! slag gets up. argh! me, grimlock think trees here are cheap model. who say that? me, grimlock, "fool?" me, grimlock, no like you! doooooooow! why boy hit by dose? lowers his teeth to devour a much smaller sharkticon, the sharkticon bares his teeth, realizes that he's a second stringer, and scampers away. me grimlock want to munch metal! slag barrels into sharkticons, making a quick shishkebob out of them, while. me grimlock no bozo. me king! me grimlock say execute them. maybe they make me king, too! yuck! me grimlock, not a kisser! me, grimlock, a king! me grimlock kick butt. me, grimlock, need new strategy.