an "adolescent" autobot. he is in robot mode, sitting with his fishing rod held between two fingers, looking bored with it all. talk about dull! lopes up hill after daniel. if you're gonna ride, dan-o . ride in style! hot rod catches up with daniel, scoops him off his hoverboard, transforms to automotive mode and rides over crest of hill with daniel in the front seat. why settle for a peek when you can see everything from lookout mountain? chromo-chicken! this is it! now take a squint through those babies. what!? decepticons! this is for ironhide. as so's this! hang on! yiiiiiiiiii! not bad for an old timer! save it. wrong! they're our way in! yaaaaaaay- hah! i don't have to explain my so called violation to you or anyone. hey, i wasn't worried for a micro-second, arcee! we've got to save prime! punching. that's showing him, optimus! optimus! forgive me! prime! and what are we going to do when we get there? if that thing crunches moons, it'll make short work of us. you're right! it can. it's just a feeling. and you better stay close to me. arcee pulls hot rod toward her before he gets hit by laser you got 'em! yaaaaaaaaho! we're airborne! gives the thumbs up gesture. don't you think we have better things to do now than tell stories kup? like maybe figure out how we're gonna stay alive. time out, for cybertron's sake! they're closing on us! yeah, how'd you beat them? that'll tear the ship apart! okay, so you were right. they're coming back. whew!!! dive! still cartwheeling down toward the planet below, trying to change the angle of his fall kup. grimlock? slag!. anybody? we follow him through undersea world as he rounds a "corner" of the reef wall and reacts kup! fires at the squid, but not stopping him. don't worry, i'm not coming after you. lowers his head and blows blast of air through head-piece. the air blast clears the water, revealing kup's head and torso half buried in the "sand" kup! say something! sure, kup. right away! hot rod rapidly well. what do you think? kup feels his elbow joint, twists his neck side to side and gets creaks and squeaks and moves legs in odd, creaky way as he is trying himself out. no way. see, this wasn't yours. it's some kind of prehistoric ion cruncher. and this doohickey looks like a funky energon funnel. and this. really? universal greeting. or our faces. bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong. the sharkticons look interested. this is getting expensive. i thought they were supposed to reciprocate. every place reminds you of some place else. a lot of good it's done us so far! i can't transform! we got to get a new travel agent. what is this place? unicron?! who's unicron? i wonder if there's any connection between it and galvatron. sure, that's all i got to think about. i have nothing but contempt for this court. wish you'd figured that out a little sooner. they've got more sharkticons than we have photon charges! didn't even bend a fender. we can't hold out forever, but we can give them one whopper of a repair bill. i never thought i'd be so happy to see those big bozos. but what about our problems. we need a ship. who are you. hot rod he'll be mine too, if he can find a quintesson ship. that's a ship? guns aren't exactly friendly. what was the universal greeting again? bah weep graaaagnah wheep ni ni bong? bah weep graaaagnah wheep ni ni bong? as hot rod says this. where did you learn to talk like that? the matrix! no. the matrix will not fail us. then we've got to trust in ourselves, and no matter what they odds, destroy unicron. i don't believe it. doesn't it remind you of something, kup? i knew there had to be a first time. battle stations! the autobot matrix! not by a decepticon. gasps. optimus! this is the end of the road, galvatron. with that, he picks up the decepticon and throws him through. 81: whoooooooaaah beat it! spare me! as he is speaking, auto-combatant "sees" its opening and gives hot rod a swift kick in the rear, sending him flying