disgustedly watches hot rod drive up the mountain. cam bustin', turbo revvin' young punk. what's that darn fool doing? hound looks up and points. old timer?! that's something you'll never be if you don't get back to the city. you know what we used to do with cocky, insubordinate upstarts? the insecticons are in our way. he said "later!" keep at it, springer, lad! help's at hand! together now! that did it! devastator! that's his fight, lad! stay away. shooting. knocks two decepticons on their tails and turns. finish him off, prime! do it now! prime did it. he turned the tide! he shoots into. what do you know about it lad? look! this reminds me of the battle on alpha 9, when the petro-rabbits were. grimlock, get your noodle out of my face! you're living one now! engage the boosters for cybertron's sake! hot rod nods and quickly passes his hand over bank of switches all of which glow and pulse with the action. i'll give you petro-rabbits. contact! the shuttle lurches and shakes ultra magnus. what next? i remember it well. yep, i remember the dust was so thick off beta 4 had to use windshield wipers on your optic sensors. okay, okay. the dust was really thick and then this gigantic ick yak. like what? yep, like the shrikebats of dromedon! i'm trying to remember. there were an awful lot of casualties that day. oh yeah, we inversed polarities. you got a better idea?!! with that, the ship seems to stop, on a dime, in mid air! the missiles zoom past it. don't run your programs until they're debugged. let's just hope we've screwed up their trajectories. yep, i thought we'd had it that time for sure. fix me! there's a piece missing. well, i still think i'm short a part! but all things considered, you did an amazing job, lad! amazing! yeah, you even got rid of a nasty burr on my rotator! now, let's find the dinos and get off this twisted planet! of all the circuit glitched diode blowin' dim-wittery. i told you a part was missin'. don't act hostile. i'll use the universal greeting. watch. i'll have them eating out of my hand. bah-weep-graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong. see, the universal greeting works every time. now, without making any sudden moves, give them an energon goody. kup reaches into his belt, presses a button and pulls out an energon cube. hot rod, somewhat suspicious of the whole process does the came. don't worry, they'll reciprocate. they each hand out three energon goodies to the remaining six sharkticons. the sharkticons eat them happily. then, they back off, eyeing the two autobots with menace. customs vary from place to place. suddenly, the sharkticons transform to their vicious mode and lunge at them. reminds me of the niter slave mines on golgonath seven. experience, lad. you should learn to appreciate it. they're restraining bolts, lad. but what if they're innocent? so that's the monster's name. not the end i'd wish for, lad. remember when you put me together today? i know what part you forgot. that doohickey you lost was part of my shoulder socket. watch this, lad. without it, i'm double jointed as houdini. better late than never! let's hold a demolition derby! then, he roars into a bunch of them, slamming a massive stack into the wall. yeah, but look. there are a lot more of those cam dinging, grill-crackin' things. i think the problems on this planet will be solved very shortly. not since the crocodillos of strontero have i seen such a sight. don't hold your breath, your majesty. neither are they in case you haven't noticed. looks around nervously. i talk some tv. and now, hot rod for the news. don't touch that dial. void where prohibited. junkions cheer wildly while the dinobots react with uncertainty and with it, all hope. nope, never seen anything like it. debugoids! they must not programmed to catch flesh creatures. i knew you had potential, lad!