die autobots! this was almost too easy, starscream. you're an idiot, starscream. were we simply to wipe out that minuscule base, they could build another one. but when we slip by their security systems in their own ship and destroy autobot city, the autobots will be vanquished forever! such heroic nonsense! he's furious. you imbecile, our cover is blown! attack! breach their defenses! soundwave! jam that transmission. constructicons merge for the kill! as he commands his troops. their defenses are broken. let the slaughter begin. prime!? why throw away your life so recklessly? hurls himself at optimus prime. . both tumble into the walls of the city. . denting the walls and causing the electronic panels inside to short circuit, surrounding them with a fiery nimbus of crackling electrical energy. grabs a jagged, spearlike piece of steel and hurls it at lands and stealthily slips a laser dagger from his boot, turning and slashing at. farewell, prime! who claws his fingers and digs them into prime's eyes i'll rip out your optics! optimus grabs megatron's clawed hand in one of his hands, twists it in see-sawing test of strength which. optimus wins in a judo toss which sends megatron - - skidding face first through steel rubble, in a shower of sparks until he crashes into the side of the city. no more, optimus prime! grant me mercy, i beg of you! fall! fall! i would have waited an eternity for this. crawl, slave! on your knees! enshrine me! wait, i still function! who said that? show yourself! nobody summons megatron! state your business. you have nothing to fear. i have already crushed optimus prime with my bare hands. the point is, he is dead! and the matrix died with him. why should i? what's in it for me? and. i belong to nobody. no, no. i accept your terms. i accept!