transforms to humanoid and runs toward. . three new autobots, arcee, a lovely female autobot of about hot rod's age, springer, a very muscular and bantering "indiana jones" type autobot and ultra magnus, the large and soldierly city commander. ultra magnus. a cursory evaluation of decepticon capability indicates a distinct tactical deficit! blaster, ultra magnus sends orders to contact optimus prime for reinforcements. run, blaster! save yourself! you think you got through to prime? is bent over prime, in microscope mode, examining him. he then transforms and straightens up, his voice strained and cracking with emotion. i fear the wounds are. intercut to hot rod, kup, arcee, daniel and other autobots as they react. with an accelerated ignition procedure the ceramic housings might create a magnetic flux. gamma waves in this sector of space create marginal navigation probabilities, however. ahem. yes i think i can. the composition of this planet seems to be a chaotic amalgam of discarded ferrous and non-ferrous articulations. be sure the fittings are securely welded! it appears that my lacerations were primarily superficial. your estimated survival time is 10 seconds. perhaps they're not as vicious as they look. i wouldn't count on that! most unscientific, but. effective.