we're outnumbered! great! megatron's making his big push and we can't even push. . back! i got better things to do today than die. looks like we're shipmates, squirt! but if you get space sick, you're gonna walk home. jump. believe it or not, this is the fun part. he says "go for it!" it ought to be smooth sailin' from here on in. kup and hot rod just bought it! face it, magnus, the decepticons 're gonna dog us until they see us dead! ultra magnus nods solemnly seeing how they would have detonated four quarters, i think it was a good choice. the place where everything ends up after you throw it out. remind me to give the auto pilot a raise. daniel creeps out from under arcee and shakes bits of broken metal and dust off his shoulders (opening hull door with a yep, this dump is a dump. it's rough out there, kid. stay inside and play with crayons or something. just think about what you want to do before you do it! don't fight it dan-o. show time's over! we've got work to do! cancel that last order. ultra magnus! but what if it doesn't work. get gone! it's not hard to knock 'em down. it's getting them to stay down that's the trick. positive thinking gets on my nerves. suddenly, all react to sound and wind of passing space cruiser their p.o.v- hot rod, kup and dinobots in cruiser as it shoots past and banks, coming back for a closer look it can't be. it's. hot rod! he's alive! listen, i don't want to rain on anybody's parade, but how are we going to move the army to unicron. we don't have enough room on that ship. what's he talking about? this is what i call traveling in style. sees something in the distance. i don't know, but i hope they didn't get him. us, on the other hand. i'm almost out of energy. suddenly, he looks up and sees one of the creatures explode above that's what i call the nick of time.